24. Into The Jungle.

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Cloud's p.o.v.

After we had all eaten, the Rescue Riders decide to go to the village for supplies. "Do you guys want to come?" Winger asks me and Potitin. Cutter smirks and nudges Winger. 'I've noticed that Cutter has been picking on Winger a lot more now that I'm staying here. I wonder why. It's probable something normal packs do. I wouldn't know. I've never been around other dragons that much. I mean, I've fought plenty of dragons, but never really got to know them.' "What about you?" Winger turns to me, bringing me back to the present. "I think I'll sit this one out. Maybe take a walk or go Flying." I reply. "Ok, see you when we get back." Summer says before taking off, the others close behind. 

Potitin walks up to me. "So, what's up? You're ok right?" He starts circling me, sniffing for injuries. Suddenly he freezes. "Cloud? Why does it smell like you've seen Slash recently?" 'Something tells me he hasn't forgiven her for putting me into a Healing Hibernation.' I roll my eyes at his over-protectiveness. "Probably because I run into her this morning. You'll never guess what she did!" "What happened this time?" 'He's expecting the worst. He's going to be so surprised.'  "She gave me my favorite rabbits and, wait for it, apologized!" His jaw drops. 'His face is priceless!'  "No way! Cloud, that's amazing! Maybe she's starting to soften up. Is that what you wanted to tell me?" "I know right! But no, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you think you could meet me in Myrrh's clearing at midnight tonight?" His eyes narrow as he grasps the seriousness of my tone. "Of course, I don't think I have anything planned for the dead of night. I take it you're planning a meeting?" I nod. "Yep, and I need you to keep an open mind. Please? What I'm going to purpose could change everything about the way we live. Hopefully for the better." Potitin stares at me for a minute, before slowly nodding. "I'll do my best. But don't do anything too crazy, ok?" I tilt my head back and laugh. "No guarantee, brother." 

I turn and fly towards Thorn-Bane Valley. Half-an-hour later I gently land in clearing in the middle of the jungle. Vines are woven together around the clearing, making a thick wall of vegetation. Large leaves block out most of the midday sky. I look around. "Myrrh! Come on out! I know you're there; I need to talk to you!" 'I actually don't know if she's here or not. I really hope she is.' 

Myrrh is my adopted sister, but unlike us, she's not a Swiftwing. She's a rare breed of dragon called a Cobrawing. (For those Wings of Fire fans out there, I just replaced Rainwing with Cobrawing. They look exactly the same) One of her favorite abilities is her ability to change the colors of her scales. So, she's probable hiding right in plain sight, maybe even right in front of me.

Sure enough, Myrrh visualizes in front of me. "Cloud, it's been a while." I grin, barely concealing my laugh. Myrrh has apparently decided to make her scales a bright yellow with neon green swirls speckled around her body. Her eyes are a bright pink and the fins on her face a fiery orange. "Is that really how you want to present yourself?" I tease. We nuzzle each other, it's been a really long time since I've seen her. It's always been too dangerous to visit. Thorn-Bane Valley is home to the most carnivorous and deadly plants on the island. There's Tangle Vine, Itch Weed, Grab Grass, and more. But now that I can fly, I'll be able to visit more often. "Something tells me you didn't come just to see me." I look away. 'I feel really bad. She's right. But I really need her help.' "Unfortunately not. But I promise to visit you more often now that I can fly." Her scales flare orange, the color for surprised. 

Hey! Another new dragon has entered the ring! I really like Myrrh and hope you will too. I also added some more sibling moments with Potitin and Cloud and hinted at Cutter and Winger's (Brother-like) relationship. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment and let me know. I'll also be putting out Myrrh's bio in my other book, Meet My OCs, if you want to check that out. Till next time! 🐾🦎🌱🐾

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