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The next few day passed by quite well. Now we were friends.

I wanted this friendship to be between us because I know how the relationship between parents affects there child's life.

Moreover, he is a nice person. If I would've found even the slightest of problem in his behaviour, I would have honestly maintained distance from him and stopped talking from him.

I know earlier my views on man were different, but this man is contradictory to all of them. He supports me, he thinks good of me, he never denies me for anything that I ask for.

And also, since the last three weeks, that is, after we became friends, he questions me one question daily, 'how was your day?' and I tell him everything about my day. Then he tells me about his day and also shares the problem that he faced in his office.

Sometimes, I give him opinions which he appreciates and sometimes he finds my opinions meaningless.

I liked the bond of friendship that was growing between us.

I suddenly got a call on my phone. I checked the caller ID which showed Di.

I received the call.

"Hello di".
"Haan di".
"Tanu, maa is really very ill. I think you should visit her once".

My eyes opened wide with shock and I stood up from my place.

"Why? What happened?".
"She is suffering from Dengue. Maa told me not to tell you about this, but I think you should come now, as her platelets count isn't increasing since 3days".

My heart started pounding heavily against my chest.

"I'm coming", I said and cut the call.

I immediately dialled Aarav ji.

There was a full ring but he did not pick up the call.

I dialled his number again. This time he picked up the call after 5rings.

"Hridya, am busy in a meeting. I'll call you later if it's not urgent", he said in a low voice.

"It's urgent", I stated.

"One minute", he stated and noises came from background.

"Yes, any problem?", he asked.

"Aarav ji, maa's health is serious. I need to visit her house", I said in a pleading voice.

"You're taking Aadya with you?", he asked.

"No one's at home, only mumma is present, what should I do?", I asked.

"Leave her with mumma, I'll finish the meeting soon and return back home early. Ask the driver to drop you there!", he said.

"Okay, thank you ", I said.

"Give me a miss call when you reach", he said and cut the call.

I packed my things. I didn't wanted to leave Aadya here, but I had no options. I cannot take her there with me alone.

I left her with mumma and explained her the reason. I know she understands me. I asked the driver to drop me and I left from there.


When I reached my home, maa was lying on the bed. The bottles of sline was hanging beside the bed.

I went and sat beside her.

She opened her eyes slowly and asked, "when did you come beta?".

My eyes turned watery.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier about this?".

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