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My sleep broke by the knock on my room's door. I stood up and opened the door of the room.

Aryan was standing on the door. "Hey bhaiya", he uttered.

"Good morning", I said while moving back towards my bed.

He stepped inside the room and his eyes searched clearly for Hridya on the bed.

"Bhabhi?", he enquired.

I pointed my hand towards the sofa and he turned his gaze to look at her. He came and sat near me and asked in a low voice, "Bhaiya, Bhabhi sleeps on sofa?".

I opened my eyes in frustration and asked, "So where will she sleep? In your room? And you can join me from today".

He rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, "You know what I mean bhaiya. She is your wife, you both.....".

I cut him off and whisper yelled at him, "She. is. not. my. wife .in actual sense and she. has. no. rights. to sleep. with. me. on the same bed".

He closed his mouth and remained silent.

"Why are you here?", I asked him while trying to open my eyes completely.

"Mumma sent me to call you both for breakfast. You both are late", he uttered.

I looked at the watch. 9:05.

I stood up from the bed to move towards the bathroom.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes", I said and saw Aryan leaving the room along with Aadya in his arms.

I came outside from the bathroom after finishing my morning routine and changing into my office wears.

Hridya was still sleeping.

I shifted closer to her and called her name twice but she didn't respond. So, I shook her shoulders slowly and she spoke in a low sleepy voice,

"Please let me sleep for some more time".

"Am leaving for the office.. okay?", I stated and she nodded her head slowly in response.

I went downstairs and everyone was present in the dining hall.

As I sat on the chair, Nikita served me breakfast. Aadya and Avi were sitting on the sofa in the hall and were playing under the guidance of Papa.

"Where's Hridya beta?", mumma asked.

"Let her sleep, she slept quite late at night", I answered while having my breakfast.

After having my breakfast I left for my office after waving a 'bye' to the cute little duos playing together.


At night, Jeet came to visit me in the office.

We hugged each other and sat in my personal cabin. I ordered coffee for us.

The coffee was served.

"How's things going on between you and Bhabhi?", I asked with a slight smirk on my face.

"Ah- don't ask bhai, she is a care-free girl. Full of enjoyment", he giggled.

"Means my bhai is falling for her!", I winked.

He rolled his eyes and I poked him my elbow a little.

"We're going for honeymoon next week", he muttered.

"Ummhmm.. someone's blushing", I teased him and his cheeks turned more red.

"Where?", I enquired.

"Bali", I sighed as me and Kavya had visited the same place for our honeymoon. I still remember how excited she was to visit this place with me.

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