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Aadya was sitting on my lap and beside me was Aarav ji. His hand was placed on my thigh and was caressing it slowly.

My heart beat was  running so intensely. My eyes were closed.

I was sitting on the plane for the first time in my entire life and I swear am so afraid right now as the plane is in air.

Since the time, I've sat on this plane, my heart rate is not turning even. Since then, Aarav ji is just trying to comfort me. His hands are locked in mine and he is rubbing his thumb slowly against the back of my palm.

His touch feels so good.

We left for the airport early morning after taking blessings from my in-laws and exchanging hugs and kisses with little Avi. Aadya was still sleeping when she left home and thus she didn't react much.

Even now, she is sleeping.

Yesterday evening, we visited the doctor's clinic and the doctor confirmed that we can remove her bandage now. Only we need to keep care that she doesn't get hurt on the same spot.

Also the doctor said that it was normal for Aadya to sleep for long duration because of the effect of medicine. Although her medicine doses will continue for two more days.

I felt as if my body was vibrating due to some kind of force. After I felt still and it was announced that we'd finally landed, I opened my eyes.

I moved my eyes towards him and he was already staring at me.

"Pata rehta mujhe ki itna darogi tum, toh tumhe by road le aata".

[If I had known that you'll get this scared, I would have brought you through road ways]

A soft laughter left my mouth.

We got down from the plane and after some thirty- forty five minutes, we were in our hotel.

The attendant opened the door for us and kept our things aside in the room.

First of all, I placed Aadya on the bed.

Aarav ji shut the door behind us and sat on the bed beside Aadya.

"ah- am exhausted now. Are you?".

I nodded my head.

It was noon.

"I should change," he nodded his head and I moved to take out my clothes from the suitcase.

But my eyes fell outside the window from where the beach was clearly visible. My eyes lightened and I looked towards Aarav ji.

He raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"I like the view."

"I know, I can tell by your face."

I smiled back.

I changed my clothes and by the time I returned back from the washroom, Aarav ji had changed his clothes too.

I laid beside Aadya on the bed and he laid on the other side of the bed.

"Sleepy?", he questioned and I hummed.

"Me too, let's take a good sleep," I nodded my head.

And soon we drifted to our dreamlands.


My sleep broke when I heard Aadya crying.

My eyes went towards Aarav ji who was still sleeping.

I immediately picked up Aadya in my arms and started patting her. But, she had have enough of sleep now. I knew that she will not sleep anymore now.

So, I sat with her near the window while her glistening eyes looked at the astonishing view outside the window.
How the waves were rising and falling down. How the people were playing around it.

Thirty minutes passed by when Aarav ji finally moved his body in sleep.

He looked beside him on the bed but to his surprise we were not there.
He started searching us around with his still sleepy eyes.

"We're here," I muttered and his eyes moved in our direction.

His lips curved into a smile.

"What's the time Hridya?".

"6, it's turning dark slowly outside," I replied while looking outside the window.

"Let's go, visit outside. What say?".

I nodded my head.

"Get ready, give Aadya to me," I stood up and forwarded Aadya to him.

I took out one of those dresses which Nikita gave me and changed into it.

It was a slightly slit- maxi dress of yellow shade which had patterns of white sunflowers on it.

I came outside the washroom and combed my hairs but I felt his contant gaze upon me.

I turned back and he looked away immediately.

I smiled to myself.

"Aren't you going to change?".

"Nopes, it's good- comfortable," he was wearing a white loose casual shirt along with beige coloured loose pants.

He always looks dashing~

"By the way, when did you buy this dress," he questioned.

"Um- Nikita gave me, yesterday."

"It's.. it's looking beautiful on you," his words immediately turned my cheeks red and I muttered a slow thanks.

My baby was already wearing sleeveless top with loose shorts.

We left the hotel.

As we reached the seashore, I was so amazed. It's soothing voice. It's waves looked pearl-white in colour under the dark sky.

We sat there on the chair.

He was sitting beside me and Aadya was sitting on his lap and enjoying the view while looking here and there.

His gaze moved towards me and our eyes locked.

He slowly took my hands in his.

"Liked it?," I nodded my head.

He was playing with my fingers while I looked towards the waves.

"Surprising isn't it? How the waves rise and fall with such a great intensity and still sounds so soothing!".

I smiled as he said this.


I hummed and glared my eyes towards him.

He shook his head and replied, "nothing".

"You can say anything," I said.

"Are you happy?" He played with the nails of my fingers.

"Yes, very happy. Thank you for bringing me here," I replied.

Our eyes shifted to Aadya as she tried to stand up from her father's lap and climb his chest like a mountain.

I laughed softly.

He made her stand upon his chest and she giggled.

"Pppppa", she laughed more.

And suddenly, he left her arms only to  catch her again in his hands.

She laughed whole heartedly this time.

"Firse betu? Firse??".
He asked her in his childish voice and she nodded her head with a wide smile.

He repeated the same and they giggled again while hugging each other.

The two persons, who unknowingly has become my entire life now, are happy, infront of my eyes. Couldn't have asked for more!

Thank you Mahakaal! ~

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