Chapter XVIII

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AN: lol i feel like I've run out of fics. None of them have the right tags or something, and then less ppl are writing bc the show(s) are over 😭😭 also btw i saw on instagram that there's something new coming out for Supernatural?? Anyone know if that's true? I don't want to get my hopes up lol. Tbh i haven't finished the 15th season bc i didn't want it to be over lol. Ok anyways enjoy the chapter.

Castiel lifted the boy from his place on the floor. He pushed Stiles' head against his shoulder so it wouldn't loll back while he slept. Walking to the bed, he knew the eyes of everyone in the room were watching them.

"What did you do to him," Scott said, quietly at first, and then, "What did you do!"

Castiel turned slowly, his brows emphasizing his usual frown as he stared at Scott, sensing his status as a werewolf. Turning to the older werewolf, he could see the panic
in his eyes. However, it seems as though he's still in shock at seeing Stiles again.

"He's only sleeping," Cas responded in his gruff voice. He walked past the two wolves, standing in front of Dean, who still clutching his handgun.

He rolled his eyes when he realized Cas was not going to speak first. "So, what, you only come when things go wrong now?"

"I was always here."

That just made Dean more annoyed, but he didn't say anything in return. Instead, he peaked over Cas's shoulder at Stiles.

Derek—though Dean had not learned his name yet—had gotten closer to Stiles and was now standing over him as he slept. The younger man stood only a few feet behind him. Derek reached down, about to touch Stiles face, but Dean had had enough.

"Don't," he said, and he raised his gun slightly as a threat. Derek's hand hovered over Stiles's face before dropping down to rest at his side again. "You're his friends?"

"We're his family," said the younger werewolf.

There was a long pause. All the newcomers staring—almost in awe—at Stiles, sleeping peacefully. Dean analyzed the group.

He didn't like that they were there. It stressed him out, and they were all emotional. He was not in the mood to deal with emotional teenagers.

And then there's Cas, who was still standing in front of him, waiting for him to say something. The cherry on top.

Dean let out a scoff, "Well," he started. "If his family's here, our job is done then."

He hears Sam let out a huff of air behind him, and Cas's frown gets angrier, before he pushes through the group of teenagers out to the parking lot.

Cas followed him out. "You can't leave."

"I can't?" He straightened his leather jacket.

"He's your son," he said, mumbling slightly as he turned towards the group, but their attention was elsewhere; the rest had drifted inside, and Cas could only hope the weres in the room hadn't been listening. "You need to stay. With him."

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