Chapter II

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This took way to long to write. Sorry about that. 😬

It's over. She's gone, and they'll be back soon. Then I'll die.

I collapse on my knees as painful fear pounds in my chest and my eyes start flooding with tears.

I need to find them. Once they're here, I'll spend the day with them, then I'll have my last day with my dad.


09:55 pm

Only a few more minutes. My panicking hasn't slowed down yet.

09:56 pm

Where will they be when they're back? Should I call a pack meeting?

09:57 pm

Would they even want to see me after the last thing they knew was me being an evil murderer?

09:58 pm

How will everyone else react to them being back?

09:59 pm

Oh my God.

10:00 pm

White light. That's all I can see as it blinds me. I have to shut my eyes to stop the light from hurting them. And then it stops.

I hesitate to open them, and even when I do I have to blink a couple times to be able to focus.


I turn around.

Aiden and Allison.

Aiden was the one who spoke, and Allison looked to scared and confused to speak. "Stiles, what's going on?" he continues, looking down at his hands, and I can tell he's trying to figure out if this is real or not.

"You're back," I replied, not knowing what else to say. "And the people who died in the hospital and the station, they should be back too."

"Stiles," Allison said carefully, "What did you do?"

"What had to be done. You didn't deserve to die, so I found a way to bring you back; the how doesn't really matter right now. I'll call the pack to come down here."

Allison and Aiden sit on the couch in my living room, still in shock, as I walk away to call Scott.

The line rings twice before he picks up. "Stiles?" he says through the phone, confused.

"Good, you're awake. Look, I don't really know how to explain this, but you need to come to my house now. Everyone does: Lydia, Isaac, Derek, Ethan, Malia, Kira, Peter, Mr. Argent, oh! And Liam, there's some people he has to meet," I tell him, talking only slow enough for him to understand.

I can here him rushing on the other end of the line. "Stiles! What's this about?"

"I can't tell you right now, just get everyone here." I hang up before he can question me anymore. What am I supposed to say? 'I sold soul to save everyone I killed?' Actually that's really easy to say, but I don't want him to know; I dont want my last days to be about them yelling at me about how stupid I am.


The rest of the pack comes quicker than I thought, which is a good thing. Allison and Aiden just sat in silence in the kitchen, wondering how they're alive—what I'd done.

They all come in at once, thinking I was hurt, or worse. None of them had expected to barge into the kitchen to see their late friends and loved once. Ethan is the first to come out of his trance, and without thinking twice he runs to hug his brother. Scott and Lydia follow to embrace Allison.

The rest of the group is still silent; they're still standing and staring like they saw a ghost. They probably think they're seeing ghosts right now.

Liam, not knowing what's going on, stands in the back of the group, silent and confused, but not in shock of what he's seeing.

"H- how?" Scott stutters, not letting go of Allison.

"I brought them back," I say. Everyone looks at me. "I found some lore on bringing them back, I thought I'd give it a shot." It seems like no one really wants anymore than that, as more of the pack members go to hug Allison and Aiden.

I see Mr. Argent embracing his daughter like there's no tomorrow with tears running down his cheeks. He deserves to have her back.

Derek, on the other hand, stares at me accusingly. "What?" I ask him.

"What did you do?"

Does he know about crossroads demons? "It was just a spell. To be honest, I didn't even know if it was going to work as well as it did."

Derek seems reluctant to believe me, but he lets it go and goes to meet with his pack. My heart flutters a bit when I see him look back at me, but I look away. Like he'd ever feel like that for me...


Through out the next three hours, there's a lot of hugging, and tears, and kissing (for those who were dating) and laughing. When Allison died, a light drained from Scott's eyes, and now it's back—he's with his true love again.

Ethan was planning to move away just the week before, now I think that he's going to stay in Beacon Hills. I'm sure Aiden wants to be with Lydia again.

It's now 1:30 in the morning, and everyone looks tired. Scott and Isaac decide to stay the night here, while everyone else slowly goes to their cars and bikes to go home. It's easy to tell that most of them want to stay with they're friends that they said goodbye to a month ago, and Scott wants to spend the night with Allison, but we all make the promise to see each other tomorrow.

In my room, where the three of us are sleeping, Scott turns to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "I don't know how you did it, but thank you so, so, so much." I wrap my arms around him when I feel the tears on my shoulder.

"I couldn't live with myself knowing that they were dead. I had too."

Then we fall asleep.

At 2:00 in the morning.

44 hours left.

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