Chapter III

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AN: I know that sometimes my POV thingy is off (idk what to call it rn but sometimes I write it like it's happening now and sometimes I write it like it already happened, sorry if this makes no sense) sorry about that I'm just a bad writer. Feel free to comment if you want.

Also I like the song above and I just want him to be listening to it for some reason so... yeah.

I couldn't sleep that much last night. Scott and Isaac slept soundly knowing that Allison and Aiden were back.

Now I'm just laying awake in my bed, and I can see the sun starting to rise through my curtains.

I know what's coming tomorrow night, but that doesn't mean I'm ready, or that I'll be ready tomorrow, or 5 minutes before, or even when it's time.

Today I want to spend as much time with my friends—my pack—as possible. When they find out what I did they'll be so mad. I won't be there to see them, but I know what they'll look like: heartbroken. They don't blame me, but they should; they're too forgiving.

My dad walks into the kitchen while Scott is getting cereal for us and Isaac is sitting at the table. "Hey son," he says, walking over to get a cup of coffee. "Scott. Isaac. What will you boys be up to today?"

He heard the entire story from Scott when he came home last night. He was surprised to say the least, but I think he's still trying to wrap his head around it.

"We're just gonna hang out with the pack," I answered.


The pack met at a small diner close by to my house. I stayed silent in my seat next to Derek while everyone else filled the recently resurrected in on what happened while they were... well, you know.

My heart was pounding the entire time. Why do I always fall for the people who will never want me? I'm just grateful that no one was listening for it, too wrapped up in conversation to notice.

We talked and laughed. There were a few awkward moments though, when no one new what to say.

It was a nice day with the pack. I'm glad I get to live like this for my last couple days.

I wonder what they'll be like when I'm gone; there'll probably not be anymore sarcastic comments or Star Wars references.


It went by too fast. We finished lunch and then went to the loft, which over the course of time has become the go-to hang out place for the pack.

We watched movies, and talked some more, but it was over within only a couple hours. Allison and Aiden ended up going home around eight to spend time with their families. With them went Ethan, and by nine, everyone was leaving.

I wanted to stay, even if it was just with Derek, but he finds me annoying enough as it is.

As Scott gets up and starts packing up his backpack with his books and his food that he brought, I slowly push myself off the sofa.

"I have homework that I need to finish anyways," I lie. Over time I've somehow learned to control my heartbeat, because damn werewolf hearing. In truth, I'd much rather stay with Derek; I know this might be the last time I'll ever see him again.


I arrive home only to see all the lights off. My dad must be asleep. I'm exhausted from not sleeping the night before, so I try to get a couple hours in before, well, you know.

I don't get much though. I'm waken up at three in the freaking morning do to a nightmare. I didn't see anything, but I heard screaming, and crying, and worse, I heard the nogitsune. He was calling me, like he was waiting for me in hell.

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