Chapter V

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Sorry for the long wait. I need to rewatch season 11

Stiles' PoV
*One year later*

The first thing I notice when I come to is that I'm cold... and wet. I struggle to open my eyes, but eventually, I'm able to and I'm immediately blinded by the sunrise.

Why the hell aren't I... in Hell?

I push my self to look away from the sunrise and notice I'm in the cemetery. Above my head lays a grave stone.

"Because I brought you back," said a deep voice from my feet. I'm so startled that I stop moving. When I finally can, I sit up and see  a tall man in a trench coat. He has dark brown hair and eyes so blue I can see them from down here.

Brought me back? No. That's impossible. This is just another one of their tricks, they've done it before.

"Sure you did, buddy," I snark at him, lying back down waiting for them to just get it over with. They try to make me think I'm free, and that I don't have to endure the pain anymore. They surround me with people that I recognize, but I don't know—they must have been from when I was alive. But I can't remember them, they took my memories.

"What are you doing?" The man asked, tilting his head and walking around me. I ignore the question as I feel tears in my eyes, because why do they have to torture me like this everyday? I've already given up on trying to get away; there's no way out of Hell.

"You're not going to trick me again," I reply. He seems to understand but doesn't send me back.

"Do you know where you are?" He asks. I nod—who doesn't know what a cemetery is? "Follow me," he continues, starting to walk. Maybe if I follow I'll receive less of a punishment. While he went he continued talking, "Whether or not you believe me, I did save you. I am an angel of the lord, my name is Castiel."

I scoff, rolling my eyes, but don't stop walking. He turns to me. "Need proof, I presumed?" I stayed silent, and he seemed to take that as a yes. The rising sunlight somehow dims around us, almost like a flickering lightbulb. Then shadows of broken wings appeared behind the man, Castiel, as his eyes glowed an electric blue.

Mere moments later, everything was back to normal: the man looked like a man again, and the sun was still rising like any other day.

"Now," Castiel continued, "tell me everything you remember. Everything."

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