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I wake up on sand?I look around and I see coral,am i underwater?I look at my body and I have a tail?!I sit up and try to get up but can't.i sigh,well this is going to take a while.i start to crawl along the ocean floor.i see many different color of coral.the coral is many shades of blues,purples,pinks,and many more.i sit up and look at my tail.the colors are black,red,and a light teal I think.i look around,there's just blue for miles,coral around the ocean floor,and big rocks.i push myself towards one of the rocks and lay down on it.its very cool and it feels comfortable for some weird reason.i cross my arms and lay my head down.i decide to take a nap to calm down,i soon close my eyes and fall asleep.

*1 hour later*
I wake up and I try to move.i fall to the sand floor,I try to move my tail.it moves a bit but not much,I sigh this is going to be a lot harder then I imagined.I continue to crawl but try to keep my tail off the sand to not get it not as dirty.after a bit I see a cave,it looks empty and is pitch black inside.i pull myself up and into the cave,by the time I'm in the cave I'm exhausted.i try to move my tail more.after a bit of struggle I'm abled to move it to swim slowly at least.i sigh and try to swim farther into the cave.i get farther into the cave and try to look around for something if interest.its hard to see but I let my eyes adjust.i swim back towards the opening of the cave and lay down and look out.i lean my head on my hand.this is going to be a while,I also noticed my tail lights up a bit in the dark.that pretty cool,I wonder what part of the ocean I'm in.a school of fish pass by the cave I'm in.there also is many different types of fish swimming about.i also see seaweed in the distance,I wonder if I can make take some and tie it together to make a blanket or clothing.i start to slowly swim towards the seaweed.i grab three pieces and tie them together,I grab more pieces and eventually end up with a blanket?it's hard to tell but I take it back to the cave I was in.i put it down somewhere and continue looking out.i look at myself,I have a betta fish tail and fins,I have very little black circles on my shoulders,and I have sharp nails.well that might come in handy,I wonder if I'll meet anyone or not.it seems like I'm the only merfish here.i sigh and swim down and out of the cave.might as well explore to not be bored out of my mind,there are many different corals on the floor but it soon ends and goes to open water.i try to swim faster.

*1 hour goes by*
I have found out how to use my tail partially,it's better than nothing.i swim into the open water and look around,there's fish,seaweed in some places,and sand.i swim into a random direction and after while I see a cave.i swim above the cave on look in it,there's nothing inside.i go inside and it's filled with seashells and some seaweed.I decide to stay here for a bit until I need to leave.also it looks big enough,I wonder what I could do now,there's not a lot you can do underwater.I decide to lay down and think of things that I could do underwater that wouldn't be boring.

Sorry it's short but hope you enjoy the chapter and have you have a good day/night.

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