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After a bit i realize I could try and hunt for some fish that way I could eat them later and it's the only thing that I most likely can do without messing up.i swim out of the cave and look around,there's a school of fish,i slowly swim closer and then grab one when it gets close enough.the fish bleeds from my grip on it,I swim back to the cave and sit down.i try to eat the fish without gagging,now realizing I'm eating raw fish.eh,I'll be fine hopefully,I wonder what to do now,I could try to make a weapon or try to make a bed out of seaweed but the seaweed would be to much effort and making a weapon you still get to sitting for making it.I decide to make a weapon,if I can,I swim out of the cave again and look around.theres rocks,coral,seaweed,and i have a skeleton of a fish.after a bit of struggle I was abled to make a knife out of rocks tied together with seaweed and some of the bones of the fish. It looks terrible but if it works I'm not gonna question it.I decide to try to kill a fish with it,to see if it works.i see a fish and stab the fish,it worked kinda but it's better the nothing.i sit down on a rock,I feel tired and my tail hurts.i sigh,what do I do now,my tail hurts to much to do anything really.i put my head down and put my head on the back of my hand and I sigh.i think I'm in Leviathantale,I'm not angry about it but it's wierd I guess.i lay down and my tail sways in the water off the rock,why did I get reborn here,I wonder if I'll meet anyone or another beta like me.im now realizing that I don't know what part of the sea I'm in,well I'm to tired to care right now.time will tell and I will find out but right now I wanna take a nap to maybe ease the pain and get rid of the tiredness.i soon fall asleep on the rock.

*2 hours later*

I wake up and stretch,that made the tiredness go away but my tail still hurts a bit.i see a boat on top of the water,I wonder if it's a fishing boat or not.i swim away from the boat,I can see the boats gray and white.i swim down and grab some seaweed,I try and make a net.it's not great but good enough.i swim around and see more coral and seaweed.i look ahead and just see clear blue.i wonder how I'm going to survive much longer,I'm already lonely and bored.i wonder if in my past life anyone was truly saddened I died,i didn't really have many friends and some of my family didn't live in the same state.i wonder what happened and how did I die?My head hurts from thinking about it,is that a bad sign?I swim further out and see some schools of fish.i wonder if I'm my past life I liked the water or if I disliked it.its getting harder to remember,I don't know if that's good or bad that I'm losing memory of it.i look around and see movement in the corner of my eye,I spot a cave and swim into it and swim up.i peak out of the cave and look around for the thing,it's a school of fish,I sigh.i then looked shocked,a knife had pierced one of the fish,I look around and see the mer that stabbed the fish and it's the killer sans mer shark of this au.if he's here then is there cave with the others nearby,I soon see the horror sans shake mer carrying a anchor.Jesus how strong is he!?I mean yes,we are under water but that's heavy none the less,I would not want to get in a fight with him.i don't think I want them to even see me.it seems like the two are hunting for the group,I wonder if horror has to chase after killer since killer might be faster then him.i wonder what the others look like,it's probably nothing to wonder about since I most likely won't meet them or get close enough to know.but I can still imagine and hope.if I have hope left that is.i wonder why was I reborn in this au?

Sorry I haven't updated lately,I have been busy but I hope you have liked the story so far and hope you have a good day or night.

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