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All titles will be song names, Enjoy. 

Jenna walked, with her headphones on, Tema di susie 3 whistle version playing as she frowned taking a deep breath it was a quiet afternoon, she checked her phone


It was still early, she spotted a nearby bench, it was a bit hidden thanks to the trees, She looked around making sure no one was there, she walked to the bench, cautiously, and for her luck, no one was there thank god

She was currently visiting her brother and sister, Aliyah and Markus and decided to take a walk

She plopped down on the bench taking out her book, she decided to go with something new, something she usually wouldn't read

The Song of Achilles

In the pages of old Greece,

Lies a tale of love and peace,

Of warriors brave and true,

And a bond that forever grew.

The son of Achillies, it's called,

A story of a love so bold,

Of two hearts that beat as one,

From the rising of the sun.

Like a rose that blooms in spring,

Their love was a beautiful thing,

And a bond that could not be broken,

Even when the Gods had spoken.

Their love was like-

Jenna frowned looking up feeling the presence of someone

"Can I help you?" She asked staring at the girl in front of her, who blew her bubble gum, she nodded as she took her airpods out, Jenna stared at her actions carefully

Of course, and airpod person

She rolled her eyes at this waiting patiently for the girl to put her airpods away

"Are you do-

"Are you okay?" The girl asked as she sat down next to her, Jenna snapped her head at this looking at the girl as if she had three heads

"Excuse me??" The girl nodded as she turned her body to her "You death? Are you okay?" Jenna could only stare at her in disbelief, she was in L.A mood, she didn't want to talk with her obviously , plus the audacity to just come up to her and ask that?

"Look if you want a picture i'll gladly take one with you" The girl let out a giggle frowning at her 

"Like why would I want a picture with you? " She said still giggling, Jenna thought her giggle was cute, but she was more offended that she didn't want a picture, that she wouldn't leave, and surprised that she didn't know who she was?? Her ego was hurt a bit

"I'm Jenna Or-" She said frowning, the girl interrupted her as she stretched her hand at her

"And i'm Y/n Windsor, nice to meet you, Jenna"
Jenna stared at her hand not knowing what to do or say, she was confused, she even found the girl a bit rude? Could that even be called rude?

"So are you going to answer my question? "

"Why walk up to a stranger and ask them if they're okay? I could like kill you right now" Jenna said rolling her eyes, she did carry pepper spray so..she was ready to use it any time needed with anyone, and this girl could be her first

"I don't know, i just felt the need to ask if you were okay, i could see you're lonely plus this is kinda my spot" The girl who apparently her name was Y/n said...


"Lonely ?? dude what the hell? " Jenna frowned at her "I am not lonely!" She was, she was actually feeling sad on her way there, that's why she decided to take walk, but of course she wasn't going to admit that to the girl

"I could see you're lonely from like a mile away, but anywaaays , are you going to answer?"

"NO! I'm not going to tell a stranger how I feel? Plus what if you're a paparazzi or something? No thank you, stranger danger" She rolled her eyes, the stranger was cute she had to admit but still, no way in hell

"You keep talking as if I should know who you are? " Y/n said, Jenna felt so embarrassed, she didn't realize that her ego was talking for her as well, she did want the girl to know her, to fangirl over her , take a picture and get this over with, she didn't know how to interact unless it was in a professional way

"Should I know? You know what it doesn't matter! I just wanted to be nice and have my daily cigarette before work, Now i hope you don't mind" Jenna looked how she took out a pack of Marlboro Gold, her eyes widen in surprise, she grabbed her bag as she looked for her pack as well

"I guess we have something in common " Jenna said showing her the pack, she followed the girls eyes who nodded with a small smile "Care to join?" Jenna nodded as she lit one herself

"What were you listening to?" The girl asked Jenna, Jenna pulled out her phone showing her screen

Tema di susie 3

"Oh sounds fancy? I don't really know it but...i'll listen to it" She said, Jenna smiled a bit seeing her take out her own phone and adding it to her library

"What were you listening to? " Now she was curious about this stranger, she felt a bit more calm seeing that she really meant no harm

 "Oh Harry Styles, Satellite" She said giggling putting out her cig "Well Miss...this is my goodbye, hopefully we run into each other " She said grabbing her backpack, putting back her airpods waving goodbye to the girl, She hesitated as she raised her hand a bit waving goodbye as well .

"How was your walk?" Markus asked as he gave Jenna her tea, She smiled at him as in 'thank you' taking a sip of her tea loving the flavor and the calmness that it brought to her instantly

"It was...unusual but...i don't wanna talk about it right now, how was your class?" She asked, smiling at him, he sat down in front of her, drinking tea as well "It was okay, I learned I guess, sometimes I don't feel like going you know? But at the end i enjoy it, it's weird" He said frowning, Jenna understood him, there were days she didn't like what she did, but at the end she enjoyed it and loved it so much

"So where's your roommate? "

"Oh you won't be seeing her much actually, her schedule has been kicking her ass, but if you do meet her you'll like her" He said wiggling his eyebrows at her, Jenna smacked him as she shook her head with a smile, of course he would try and play matchmaker

"Not looking for love stoopid, by the way where's Aliyah? " He laughed as she rubbed his shoulder, he missed this a lot

"Oh she's in class, she'll be home soon tho so we might wanna work on making dinner, usually our roommate makes it, not gonna lie we're missing her meals so much"

Jenna rolled her eyes at him, of course he did, he really never tried to learn how to cook, neither did Aliyah

"I'll be the chef then i guess"

She smiled.

"Where's the bathroom?" Jenna asked, "Oh it's on the left, there's a sign that says Emergency Exit on it

Of course they would have something like that

"Just be careful, it's right next to-"

"Our Friends room and JENNA HIIII" Aliyah said quickly running to embrace her sister.

God she missed them so much 

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