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" So when am I meeting this roommate of yours? Like she's been MIA since i got here" Jenna said as she sat down in her siblings shared apartment, they both looked up from their laptops "I know? It's like strange like even we don't see her, like i hear when she gets home like at one or two a.m but she's gone super early"
Aliyah said staring at her friends door, it had been a while since they've socialized with her, she did miss her "She has class from seven a.m until like one or two p.m i guess she uses that free time to do her homework and like literally mom or dad don't know her, we've been trying to get them to meet her as well I don't know why it's so haaaardddd she's like out best friend " Markus added shutting his laptop "But she's like really cool, i hope you meet her" Jenna nodded as they started talking about something else

It was time, well a bit early actually, it was
4:30 p.m
She had decided to once again go out, she needed the fresh air, why did she leave so early? Besides the company she got, she really enjoyed the park and this space is just so nice, cozy, the trees make it even better,she actually hasn't seen anyone else sit here so it really is well hidden
To her surprise when she got to their spot, someone was already there and she knew who that someone was. She had her eyes closed and was laying on the bench with her backpack as a pillow.
Something in her, she didn't even realize she was doing it, but she was pulling out her phone with a small smile snapping a quick picture of the girl, she looked so cozy and she could even tell she was asleep, she slowly made her way to her making sure not to make any noise with her feet, thankfully there was a lot of grass near the bench, she sat down and pulled out her book

It would take us most of the day to slaughter them all, and the camp would smell like a charnel house for a week. But Achilles nodded. "We will do it" he promised.
Her lips were pressed together, two red slashes like the edge of a wound
"There is more," She said.......

She checked her phone, it was 5:00 p.m, her eyes widened, has it already been thirty minutes?, She looked up and she saw Y/n already staring at her
"AHHH JESUS FUCK " She said startled not expecting her to be awake, a laugh left her mouth as she sat up quickly facing her, Jenna rolled her eyes with a faint blush
"Do you like to stare at people? " She said rolling her eyes, in reality she wasn't mad or anything, she actually liked that she was staring at her
"NO, but you look cute when you read, like so calm you know? In your own little world" She said smiling, Jenna's heart skipped a beat again as she looked down at her book clearing her throat a bit , okay that was so..so...ugh
"Why are you here so early?"  Y/n sat down next to her as she laid down on the grass stretching, a yawn leaving her mouth, Jenna could only stare,she could tell she was really tired, yet she couldn't take her eyes off of her, she felt a bit awkward 

Awkwardly in haze

She tried to stop staring but it was impossible, No one really got her attention like this. Thankfully the girl had her eyes shut
"I had free time and I just needed to recharge my batteries, you know?" She did fully understand, she was like that as well, she enjoyed being long, sometimes "I know, do you feel better now? Wait so every time we meet I drain you even more? "
"No no, you're fine, don't worry, I really enjoy your company although you said stranger danger so should i be worried?" She did? Who would've thought, a few months ago she was telling her dad in Paris that she didn't know how to socialize unless it wasn't work related, and someone who she has no relationship with work...enjoys her company, she wanted to squeal out of happiness, but she obviously wasn't going to do that in front of the girl

"I enjoy your company as well" She said softly laying down next to her, making sure to leave a bit of space not wanting to make the girl uncomfortable "You do?" Y/n asked above a whisper, Jenna heard it as she nodded "I do actually now don't get all cocky on me" The girl snickered "Cock, of course" Jenna kicked her leg softly shaking her head "Ew don't say that" they both giggled enjoying each others company

"Why are you so wise?" Jenna asked, she couldn't hold it anymore, she had to know so she could stop thinking about her being mistreated
"I...alright? You think I'm wise?" She only nodded turning to face her, she could see she was really working her brain, she took this moment to take in her features from up close, her skin looked soft, she had a small bags under her eyes "Well...i guess i had to grow up a bit quick now that i think about it"Jenna nodded, it broke her heart remembering what her family had said about the topic
"Do you regret growing up so quickly?"The girl opened her eyes staring, they directly went to her, Jenna's breath hitched not expecting such contact but she could see a bit of a battle going on behind her eyes "Mhm...yes and no?, thanks to that i'm who I am now...but i'm afraid that i don't know..."

Knowings not my thing

Jenna smiled at her softly, it amazed her how well they were getting along
"Do you like who you are, Jenna?" She asked sitting up facing her, her hands under her chin in support, Jenna could only think how cute she was, but her question did caught her off guard...She looked down frowning, a feeling a bit of emptiness filling her chest for some reason she could not comprehend
"I...I don't know either, but I got this feeling of emptiness and I don't know why? I don't understand"
"I know, I feel very much the same sometimes" The girl giggled making Jenna's head snapped up at her not expecting that answer, she as well giggled shaking her head, this girl was something else for sure
"I mean it's okay right? Not to know" Jenna said between giggles, the girl nodded smiling as she pulled out her pack of cigarettes pulling out two, Jenna of course noticed this action right away smiling even more at it "Yeah, of course, i don't see why  wouldn't it be okay?"

After they were done smoking their cigarettes,Jenna noticed the girl looked sad with a frown
"I'm afraid i have to go now" Oh, that's why "Work huh? I'm actually on vacation" She said trying to lighten up the mood "Oh? Now you're just bragging your freedom to me" She laughed shaking her head


"Yeah yeah, like i hate to brag but thought i should point that out"
Y/n shook her head standing up, her eyes never leaving Jenna with a smile
"Thank you Jenna, for casually coming here everyday...i actually"
Jenna observed her actions, she herself standing up quickly as well raising an eyebrow, she could see really faint blush
"Can...Can I have your number? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to and i'll completely understand because like privacy i guess? I don't know" She said scratching her head 

You're cute when you ramble

"Mhmmm i don't know... i mean stranger danger after all" She said in s serious tone, the blush on y/n's face got even more red as she nodded "Oh yeah your right i..."Jenna laughed shaking her head, her plan worked "I'm just kidding" She grabbed the girls phone smiling putting down her number, Y/n looked at her smiling slightly shaking her head "Your like so lucky to have this, people would die for this number"
"Oh? Feeling a bit cocky aren't we?" they both laughed, Y/n checked the time again
"Okay  i have to go, hopefully i'll see you tomorrow, i'm actually running late!!! BYE JENNA!!!" She quickly grabbed her backpack waving goodbye as she usually did "BYEEE GOOD LUCK OH AND I GOT A SONG IT'S CALLED SWING LYNN!!!!" Jenna shouted as she was really running off, She turned with a huge smile nodding waving one last time leaving a smiling Jenna behind.

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