Breakup part II

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Rohit took his car keys and left the room.

Rahul tried to stop him but failed. He sat on the floor near the couch and took Ro's coat. It smelled like Rohit. Rah hugged it close to the chest and cried.

"How could I hurt him.." He kept mumbling and slept like that.

He couldn’t even open his eyes next day. He head someone knocking the door.  Rah tried to stand and got unbalanced. Someone cought him and took him to the bed.

"What the hell Rahul..?" It was Yash

"Yash.. my Ro.. call him please"

"Rahul dont talk you have fever. What happened yesterday. I called, you answer and kept asking for Rohit. Thats why I came."

"Yash he hates me.. he will leave me.. "

"Are you crazy. Now go back to sleep. I will call a doctor." He kept his hand on Rah's forehead to check the temperature. And Ro decided to come there at the same time.

"Oh. You must be his friend. Sorry to disturb you. Im leaving now.."

Yash knew they have messed up everything and decided to clear things.

"Rohit sir wait. Its not what you think. We are just friends"

"I dont have time to hear any rubbish.."
Ro left there and called Vi.

"Are you okay now Ro?" Vi asked as soon as he picked.

"Yeah. Vi can you come here and look after him?"

"Why what happened"

"I think Rah is having a fever. You know he falls  really weak when he is sick."

"And why cant you ?"

"Because that guy was also here"

"Yash..? Ro you know they"

"I know about my Rah, Vi. But it hurts lot. I need some time"

"Mm got you. I will stop by and take care of your baby. But please end your childish fight with him.

"Looks like Im on babysitting duty today" Vi told to himself after hanging up the call.

He reach Ro's house and went to see Rah. Yash was there as expected.

"Virat sir"

"Hey.. Yash right? "

"Yes sir. Doctor checked him and gave some medicine, but his fever isnt reducing. He is calling for Rohit sir"

"I will take care of him Yash. Dont worry. You can leave now. And please help this idiot with these kind of things again"

"I know I will never do that again sir.."

"You can call me Vi or Virat "
Vi smiled to him and send him off.

"Rahuliya, what did you do to yourself"

Vi sat on the bed and caress Ra's hair.

"Vi... Ro.. ca..ll him.. ple..ase "

"You cant even open your eyes properly. Recover first"

Vi somehow managed to make him drink some soup. But his condition was still the same and he kept asking for Rohit.

Vi decided to call him. He picked with the first ring

"Is he okay? What happend" Ro asked worriedly

"You both are idiots. Come home Ro. He is asking for you and not in his sense."

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