B-romance or Ro-mance ? Part I

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It was a fine morning. Some of the ICT players were  practicing in the net.

Rohit, reached the ground to watch the net practice of the team. He decided to observe others instead of playing today. The sun beat down as players warmed up, and the coach, a seasoned mentor, was providing instructions.

Ro saw Rahul was practicing and decided to tag alone. Before him the coach approached Rahul.

Just as Rohit contemplated joining them, Ishan, approached him seeking assistance with his bat practice.

"Ro bhai please help me. You promised to assist me today.."

Unable to refuse his request, Rohit reluctantly diverted his attention.

As Rohit observed from a distance, he noticed the camaraderie between Rahul and the coach. Laughter echoed through the air as they shared a good moment, reinforcing the bond between a player and his mentor.

While helping Ishan, Rohit couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy seeing Rahul and the coach continue to share laughs and insights. It seemed as if a special connection had formed between them, leaving Rohit on the outskirts.

" what’s wrong with me coach is just helping Rah. But Rah never act like this with me" Rohit kept thinking and didn’t realize Ishan was calling him.

" Ro bhai, bhai.. Rohit, captain.."


"I have been calling to you for past five minutes where were you lost?"

"No where what is it..?"

"My problem can wait, now tell me bhai why are you looking at the coach like you want to burn him alive..?"

" Am I that obvious" Rohit though himself

" BHAI you are day dreaming again."

"Ishu, stop shouting. Do I need to hit you with the bat"
Ishan pouted.

" You came here to help me but still looking at your partner" Ishu was whining

" partner?"

"Your ex opening partner. Rahul "

" oh! You mean opening partner" partner? the word itself feels better.

" what else ?

" Ishu focus on the practice.. didn’t you bet Shubi that you will beat him in the next match.." Rohit's word were enough to get Ish back in practice.

" wow coach you really did that? You are the best" Ro heard something Rah said to the coach

" OK THEN LET HIM BE WITH THE BEST " Ro was screaming in his mind and left the ground.

Throughout the day, Rohit struggled to shake off the envy that brewed within him. Ignoring Rahul's attempts at conversation, he distanced himself, consumed by the green-eyed monster.


Rohit was having dinner while listning to Jaddu, who was telling him one of the ridiculous prank he put on Ash. Then Rahul, Ishan and Shub came to join the table.

Rah was looking at Ro, so done with the silent treatment he is getting without doing anything.

"Rohit bhaiya" suddenly Shubi called Ro

" Mm?" Ro was ready to hear another complain. I mean its not new.

" Tell Ishan that, I am the best opening partner you ever played with.." seriously Shubi


Part II spoilers
You know, theses moments with you feels like a beautiful melody.
"What the heck is bl?  Oh its boys love.. wait are they kissing"

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