Flashback part III

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"You really forgot about your bunny.. bear"



Six years ago

"Rohan hurry up" Rohit shouted for the nth time

"Wait Ro it is not started yet"

"I want to find a best place to watch the match" Rohit dragged Rohan.

"You have become a national player Ro. Why do you want to watch this club matches"

"My coach says we can improve ourselves while looking at new players"

However they managed to go on time. The match was between 'Star today' and 'D Dragons' clubs. D Dragons is a champion club.

"What do you think? Who will win?" Rohan asked Ro

"We cant say that Ronron. Match can change in any time"

D Dragon club batted first and scored 260. It was a good score. In the second half they fielded well. Star todays were losing. After falling 5th wicket there sixth player entered. He didnt score for first few balls.

Then game started to change. He was hitting fours and sixes.

"Wow look at that kid" Ro shouted

"Dont scream fan boy"

"He looks young Ronron. Why don’t they wear names in jerseys ?"

"This is not a national game thats why."

Only two balls were ramaining. They had to score 4. That boy hit a six and Star todays won the match.

"My god. D Dragons were defeated after three years"

After the match Ro wanted to meet that kid. But he has already left. So he decided to wonder around the market

"I need to go home Ro"

"You go Ronron. This local market has the best streat food"

"You and your obsession with food"

Ro walked around the market for half and hour. Then he decided to walk home. He had to take a shortcut. There was noone on the rood. There was a old house near the road. Ro saw someone entering there. He went there out of curiosity.

Some one was crying. He approched the crying figure.

"Hey are you okay"

That kid raised his head. It was that boy who performed well. But he was injured. There were blood stains all over his body.

"What happened" Ro rushed to him


"I can see. Do you have water" Ro searched boy's bag and found a bottle. Then he took handkerchief from his pocket and started to clean the wound.

"Who did this to you…?"

"D Dragons"

"What. We should complain to the police"

"No need sir. This is not new to me. Im leaving the cricket anyway"

"How old are you ?"


"And you decided to leave the cricket. Tell me what exactly happened"

"I played for D Dragons. When I showed talent they beat me out of jealousy. I left the club. Today is no difference."

"Don’t you want to play for national team" Ro asked him

"I want but…."

"You see this ?" Ro took a locket chain out of his Tshirt.

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