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Gojo Satoru from the Gojo clan. His birth is truly a heaven's blessing for the clan to celebrate for long years they had waited such true power for them to raise with his birth alone caused imbalance for curses.

But contrary to every sorcerers information inside the Gojo clan no one dared to share the most kept secret this family held. Satoru's father has a younger brother and as the Gojo clan has high regard in their privacy no one really has much information aside from those who aren't staying at the main house. His young uncle who died in battle against five unprecedented special grade curses nine months ago left his widowed wife under his elder brother's care, Satoru's father.

No one expected much from the said child but as he reached his fourth birthday. Chaos ensues in the household. He was chaos itself. No one blamed him for it was truly unexpected but his power was sinister and dark. Contrasting Satoru's blessing. The death of the servants in accident we're greatly compensated for their families to kept their mouth shuts. From that day on Satoru promises to help his young cousin how to control such emotions. He even teaches him what he learns from his trainings. Satoru was a child who was mature enough to take care for the younger one's in the clans main memebers which basically consists his widowed aunt, his four year old cousin living with him and his parents.

Yang Gojo that was his name. A name completely different from his powers. At the age of seven he again cried his heart out as his mother died due to cancer. Even the riches of their money could not alleviate his mother's sufferings who embraces death with a smile and gave her words to live a good life. Days passed after the burial he acted tough and lived his life as Satoru grew concerned for his silence.

Age eight Satoru is to ask his a year younger cousin an innocent question. "Yang why are you not crying anymore?"

"There's no use. It will not bring mama back to life, Sato." He answered.

Satoru sighs as they sat beside one another at the garden. "I can feel your sad... I don't want you to feel sad."

He turns to look at his beautiful cerulean eyes. "I'm sorry. I hope it'll go away. But I can't help it."

Satoru looks into his eyes. "I hope you will feel happy soon."

He nods his head. "I hope so... too."

Age 17 Satoru barely visits the main household due to his studies and missions.

"Yang I'm sure father will let you join me at school once you mastered to control it!" He enthusiastically tells him.

A sigh escapes his lips as he looks at his bedside table filled with books as he was still being homeschooled. "Look at these, I doubt uncle will let me."

Satoru smirks wiggling his brows as he sits on his bed beside him. "Next year, father will be conceding the seat as the clan head to me. Worry not. I got your back."

A small smile graces his lips. "I look forward to that."

Six years passed and yet Gojo, Yang was still homeschooled but was transferred to one of the Gojo clans ancestral houses. His routine consists of him staying indoors by 8am Monday a private teacher comes to visit and gives mark on his done module works and have a face to face discussion on the given subjects as it ends on 5pm his Mondays goes along like this as the rest of the weekdays are online classes. By Saturday he spent all his day inside the temple placed at the back of the mansion. Housekeepers cleans the mansion every 6am and leaves by 10am everyday. The cooking chores are all up to Yang since he's the only one who lives in this mansion although the men guarding around the mansion take turns to do the grocery shopping for him not having a reason to leave the mansion ever since his relocation. His uncle, Satoru's father visits him every Sunday and only chats to him for about an hour and leaves. Their conversation is not even that eventful a few greetings as he sits beside his uncle drinking tea in silence.

He understands why Satoru was not able to tend to his promise for him as his cousin has already had a lot on his plate. The clan, his responsibility on being the greatest sorcerer and the devastating occurrence of his best friend fighting for his irrational belief of killing non sorcerers. From time to time Satoru does visits and when that happens he gets him to help him do the gardening at the flowers inside the green house. Sometimes he even dragged him to make meals just to ease him off the heavy responsibility he bears. Doing normal task as that will help him feel at the least bit normal. Although when Satoru shares to him, his dark thoughts he always gives back a hopeful good advice back so that he'd not heed on any negativity further. For him Satoru is a sibling, a brother more than a cousin. He pitied him, he rarely gets rest in the world they lived in. That's why whenever he visits, he always keeps it in mind that he must at the very least alleviate his burdens.

"Yang?" Satoru calls out while sitting beside him.

He nods his head. "Yes?"

Satoru sighs. "What would you do if a person you want to live is a potential threat to billions of people?"

He chuckles. "Simple."

Satoru raised a brow.

"Look, a child won't be able to write unless he or she will be taught." He tells him.

Satoru slowly nods his head before he smirks as he snaps his fingers. "Your so smart Yang!" He praises enthusiastically.

He chuckles. "Of course I am!"

"Satoru has been sealed."
The caller informed him.

"What do you want me to do, uncle?" He inquires, his calm voice contrasting his worried thoughts for his kind cousin.

"I'll handle the higher up's and the clan members. Help your cousin out. Yang." He tells him.

"Understood." He said and the other line went off. He breathes in some air before he closes his eyes and opens them. He walks out the living room and soon a dark shadows consumes him

In a blink of an eye he found himself in shibuya. Looking around the wrecked place. He felt the negative energy at an alarming rate nearby as smokes clears out. A man stands not far from him who has a pink hair and has unknown markings on his face, gives him a smirk.

"Never thought a goddess would make an appearance in this place?"

"Have you seen Gojo, Satoru?" He dares to asked.

He chuckles raising a brow. "My dear, after thousands of years not seeing each other... it pains me. You seeking another man than I?"

Yang furrowed his brows. "I don't have time for your nonsense-"

In a second the man was now standing in front of him. "Ah... right, what a cruel world it is you had also forgotten memories of me." He sighs.

Yang steps back as he felt such great amout of power from this weird man, a dangerous amount. "Who are you?" He asks.

The man smirks. "I'm glad you've finally had asked... my dear wife." He paused. "I am Ryomen Sukuna your ever loving husband."

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