Chapter 3

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Sukuna trained so hard.

He trained along with the other students. He trained with them and yet he excel much more than what was expected of him. He has gain acquaintances but never he steps more to have friends for he didn't want to associate himself for people that'll be dying the next day when mishaps happens during exercising curses. Many of his peers respects him for his excellence and some envied him for it. Luckily those who mean to harm him never got to execute those evil plans as they always hesitate with the young lord who fondly favors Sukuna.

Sugawara Yang friendly interacts with the younger who rudely converses back at him just like now. We're some of the new jujutsu young students witness as they passed by the training area.

"Our Sukuna has been very popular these days!" Sugawara cheers as if a child.

Sukuna deadpans as he arranged the dummies that are newly made for practice.

"I have just been away for a few days and yet you have improved so much!"

Sukuna sighs and turns to face the man. "Few days?" He scoffs. "You we're not here for four years."

Yang scratches the back of his head and chuckles. "You know my uncle needed me for some important matters." Yang then adds. "Anyways you had gotten taller now. Nine years ago you we're just a twelve year old boy who had that petrified look on your face-"

"I am twenty one years old now. Refrain from acting informally like you are doing now. I am an adult like you are although you'd be an old man in today's category." Sukuna cuts him off.

Yang crossed his arms on his chest and scoffs. "I'm not that old! Twenty seven years old is considered young-"

"Shut up old man, you have gotten married twice and had four son's already." Sukuna paused. "Being old means having those things such as being married and having children. You had those, so do not deny your old."

Yang bite his lips as he stomps leaving Sukuna while the young students slowly entered the training area.

A smile spread across Sukuna's face and asks. "So who wants to spar with me?"

The students then turns to the others than him except for one. It was the youngest of the group and a relative of Sugawara Yang. Gojo Satoru, another white haired fourteen years old who has an overwhelming curse energy at young age and has the possession of the six eyes. The young kid still needs a lot of nurturing as a sorcerer. Good thing his a kid who strives to learn more than cower like the many which Sukuna finds interesting for the kid.

"Very well Gojo will be again my sparing partner this week." He smirks.

The kid gulps in hesitation for just last week he had been hospitalized due to his spar against the senior who was too rough that had almost killed him.

A hand on Gojo's shoulder is warmly placed. Gojo looks up to meet his distant cousin's face. "Satoru-kun your too young to spar against him."


"Sukuna, you can spar with me instead and if I beat you, you take back on calling me old." Yang says.

Sukuna sighs. "Fine, Sugawara-san."

Yang chuckles. "Sukuna-kun is in a good mood. I see."

Sukuna rolls his eyes at the comment not caring that everyone saw his disrespectful attitude of the esteemed young lord.

Satoru grew curious for how such dynamics the two have as no one would dare disrespect his distant cousin that blatantly without repercussions. His cousin is one of the well-known one of the strongest sorcerers in the jujutsu society. His a knowledgeable scholar also that their uncle Sugawara Michizane does need his assistance at times. Besides this cousin of his does rarely ever spoke to even his own relatives yet he interacted with Sukuna freely.

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