Chapter 5

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Sukuna woke up and helped along his juniors to build the ruined training space yet he found it strange he has not seen any seen the young Gojo nor seen the usual annoying childish Sugawara.

He opted to ask one of his juniors that he forgotten the name. "Have you seen Gojo Satoru?"

"Ryomen-san have you not known?" The younger asks.

He sighs. "If I had known, I wouldn't be inquiring you."

"I apologize Ryomen-san-"

"Answer my question."

"Yes. Ryomen-san, Sugawara Michizane is accused of favouring Prince Tokiyo over the crown prince as the main successor to the emperor's throne. Sugawara-sama was demoted from his aristocratic rank, in Kyūshū's Chikuzen Province he and his entire family is banished. The other family branches opted to follow him and so Satoru-kun had left early dawn since." The younger informs him.

Sukuna's hands turns to fist as he rushed to leave, running as his heart beats fast towards the familiar mansion across the thick tall trees.

Reaching his destination he meets the old Lady Mio who is the highest ranking servant that has long served this mansion. Sukuna bows in respect for the elder and asks. "Where is Sugawara-san?, Lady Mio."

"He has left since dawn, along with his children." She then adds. "Do not bother to follow him. He has left me and you to give the servants their compensation in service. Help me give them the gold coins as we lock things up here."

Sukuna wanted to lash out but he contains his emotion and helped the old lady instead as the day progress.

As everyone left and they are the last one's to lock up and steps out the barrier. Lady Mio handed Sukuna the keys of the mansion. "He told me to leave the keys to you, young one." She paused and held Sukuna's hand. "I'll pray for the Sugawara family's safety. I know. The head of the family is just being falsely accused."

Sukuna gently squeeze the old woman's hand. "Justice will be given. Have faith Lady Mio."

"Lord Yang earlier persuaded the children that they are going on adventure. The children we're happy and excited as they followed with the royal guards surrounding them to be delivered at Kyūshū's Chikuzen Province to be banished. For everyone at the main branch of the family will join the clan head in banishment." She paused. "Some of the family branches opted to follow to show their loyalty to the clan head. Knowing he is just unfairly accused." She sighs. "If only I could help and show proof-"

"Lady Mio your too old to do tedious things." Sukuna cuts her off and took off his hands from her. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Think of them having a vacation instead from all the work that the Sugawara clan has done in this country."

Lady Mio chuckles. "Your right Sukuna-kun."

After he had accompany Lady Mio back at her house safely. Sukuna determined as he set his mind of following Sugawara Yang.

Ichigo smiles as he sits beside his father. Every relative he once met back then are now in an adventure with them. He feels extremely happy. Even he feels tired throughout today's journey he still feels happy.

His father patted his head. "Are you all right Ichigo?"

"Yes Papa!" He beams a smile.

Yang chuckles. "Seems your full of energy still unlike your brother Ryoto and Benjiro." The two boys are asleep in their own small futons just at Yang's right side. The bone fire lights up in the middle as each family owns one while for the night the banished family members are being escorted by the royal guards.

Michizane took a sit beside Ichigo who beams a smile. "Oji-san good evening." He greeted.

Yang bows in respect as he held in his arms the sleeping Kenji. Michizane nodded in return and speaks up. "I apologize for dragging you and your children in this mess Yang."

Yang shakes his head. "Do not bother apologizing. I heard you say this a hundred times to everyone today Oji." Yang paused. "We are family, we take care of each other besides even the family branches shows support to join us." Yang looks over at Satoru who sleeps beside his second son.

Michizane followed his gaze. "It baffles me. You have just met the six eyes curse user in our family and he decided to follow you here." Michizane paused. "I had spoken to him earlier. He didn't came here to show support for me but because he is worried you will get tired handling your son's." Michizane chuckles.

Yang couldn't help but smile. "His a good kid."

Michizane stands up from his seat. "Help me make a barrier for everyone's protection tonight." He turns to Ichigo. "Ichigo look after them." He paused looking at the sleeping figures. "I'll borrow your father for a little while to make a protection for everyone."

Ichigo nods as he stood up. "I will Oji-san!"

Michizane chuckles. "A sweet child you have Yang."

Yang smiles as he stood up and followed Michizane as he held in his other arm, Kenji who sleeps.

As they walk side by side Yang then whispered. "I'm sure you have thought things through. They will kill you after this banishment."

Michizane nodded. "I know. However it'll take them a few years give or take to come up with the decision of killing me."

Yang sighs. "What have you done this time to get Fujiwara Tokihira reached this conclusion of accusing you?, Oji."

Michizane chuckles. "You know how envious he is in our clan's greatness besides he could never beats my brilliant brain."

Before Yang could come out a response. An enormous ball of fire blasted out of nowhere. Michizane was fast enough to counter the attack as the fire dissappears bursting into little specs of dust like fireflies. A young man holding out a fire bow and arrow smirks as he comes out from the shadows of the night. "That was supposedly for Sugawara Yang. I apologize lord Sugawara Michizane."

Yang sighs. "I apologize for his actions, Oji."

Michizane furrowed his brows. "That young man almost killed you."

"He always tried but failed. No matter, Oji." Yang waves off as he turns his attention to Sukuna. "Why have you followed me? I specifically told Lady Mio-"

"I'm not going to stay put in a place. I'm sure there's a slim chance you will be returning since you've brought your son's with you." Sukuna counters. The flaming bow and arrow in his hands dissipated.

Yang sighs. "How about your training to be the strongest sorcerer-"

"How can I be the strongest when I can't even defeat you still?" Sukuna again cuts off Yang.

Yang was about to argue more but then the three year old in his arms cries. He hands the child to Sukuna who gently tries to coach the child back to sleep. "I'm helping Oji make a barrier." He paused pointing at where Ichigo is standing as if one of the royal guards. Walking back and forth looking over the sleeping figures. "I'm sure Ichigo will tire out soon. Get him to sleep also since you've followed me here. Help me with the kids instead." The head of the royal guard approaches them. Yang sharply eyed up the man. "His come in his own accord, to assist us in Kyūshū's Chikuzen Province."

The head of the royal guard could only nod as Yang walked ahead from his uncle who gave a small smile at Sukuna. "I believe your also one of my nephew's disciples. Your clothing as his student giveaway."

Sukuna nodded. "The old man might not say it but he needs my help handling his little demons."

Michizane chuckles. "I suppose you refer to his son's?"

"Of course, once they grew up. I'll beat them up so the old man will feel what I feel everytime he defeats me on our spars." Sukuna adds.

Michizane laughs as he decided to follow his nephew. Once he reaches the younger who was mumbling words of spell to build the barrier. Michizane then commented. "Your loyal disciples are quite interesting." He adds. "Their excuse of you wouldn't be good enough to take care of your children are quite amusing just so they could follow you."

Yang snorted as he continues to bind his spell.

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