Chapter 2

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His lips turns slightly upward, he tries hard not to smile.

"Don't you dare laugh at me." Naoya Zenin spat at Yang.

Yang shrugs as his emotionless mask is on.

The higher up's has gathered for a crucial meeting. A boy has become Sukuna's vessel an unprecedented occurrence. The young boy will be in Gojo, Satoru's care as for the finality he will still die although with Satoru's words, the sentence was put on hold.

Satoru brought his cousin with him today at the meeting because he doubts himself on heated arguments he might just kill off the old people of the council and that wouldn't be good for the jujutsu society as for the norm. Yang rarely goes out the mansion and whenever he does it all comes down on talks for a mission or his cousin asking him to assist him on his so called meeting with the council. Yang doesn't recognize it as a meeting for all the elders we're the one who do most of the talking which his cousin rarely gave comments although earlier Satoru head on declared his want of keeping the boy alive. The meeting has ended as one by one each left the room. Yang came across Naoya Zenin following right behind his grandfather who Yang gave a bow in respect for the elder who gave him a slight nod in recognition.

Yang can clearly read Naoya's against his cousin's decision. The scowl on his face displays that Yang is finding it humorous.

Naoya's grandfather turns to look at Yang who now wears his emotionless face. "Naoya."

Naoya stands still and slowly bows his head to Yang in respect with his eyes glaring at him. Yang couldn't help it anymore and smiled as he bows back. "Naoya is getting more livelier each time we meet."

Naoya scoffs. "Shut up you white haired freak."

Yang chuckles. "Careful with your words now." His tone cheerful contrasting the threat.

Naoya's grandfather sighs and walks ahead leaving the younger.

Naoya raised a brow at Yang. "I doubt you can do a thing without the council's permission."

Yang smirks. "I could but I'm lazy nowadays." He paused and leans closer to whisper at Naoya's ear. "Besides I'm sure myself am higher than you when it comes to power."

Naoya steps back anger visible reaction on his face and before he could speak profanities at Yang his grandfather calls him out. "Naoya!"

Naoya curls his fists and marches out of the room, keeping his mouth shut.

A hand placed around Yang's shoulder as his tall cousin then speaks up. "Quit teasing, the kid might burst like a volcano."

Yang chuckles. "His funnier when he was younger." He paused and explained. "I just find the kid entertaining. His so into this society we lived in."

Satoru nods. "I agree. I bet he doesn't even know how to play mobile games."

At the other side of the room. The pink haired fifteen year old boy is tied down on a chair, deep alseep. Within him awakens the king of curses who opens his eyes and listens carefully he looks around to hear a familiar heart beat, he swear wanting to hear yet again.

"My dearest, I'm here."

"No!, No!, No!, Don't you dare close your eyes!, I beg you!" Sukuna pleads holding in his arms the prince he loves.

White long hair the edges we're smeared by his own blood. He tries to beam a smile at his blurring vision. "Your here, I'm glad."

"My dearest stay with me." Sukuna pleads again using his knowledge with sorcery yet it failed him as deep multiple stabs on his lover's back bleeds continously.

"I can't..., my brother's... h-his in danger." Yang chokes on his own blood. He coughs up blood. He struggles to speak. "S-save him."

Sukuna can't believe his dear beloved is on the brink of death and yet he thinks of his brother's safety. Sukuna was too late to reach and aid his side for the troubles of war ensues the land.

"Sukuna.... I-I'm sorry..." Yang stutters as he again coughs up blood.

Sukuna doesn't understand what he is feeling. He is perfectly healthy and yet his heart ache as if it's being pricked by a million needles.

"Sukuna..., m-my heart is yours... a-apologies. I c-cannot stay." Yang said before he takes his last breath in Sukuna's arms he lays, not moving any longer. Eyes closed and Sukuna couldn't feel anything.

His ever loyal servant steps in and speaks up. "My lord, prince Yang's brother has been killed by the invaders. Prince Yang's efforts we're in vain. The capital is surrounded by the barbarians."

Sukuna smirks. "That's great. Please take care of my dear for me, Uraume."

The servant gently carries on his back the lifeless body of the prince.

"Leave with him. This place needs some serious cleaning, wouldn't you say?"

"Whatever your lord's wishes, I dare not disagree." Uraume responded.

Sukuna laughs as his loyal servant left the place in a hurry.

Sukuna sighs as he felt Urume has gone into far distance already. "Why must you die again for your family?, dearest when will we meet again?, I can't bare anymore you, dying again..."

That day innocent or not, is all burned to ashes. The kingdom was buried into nothing but ashes.

-Heian era 795 A.D.

Sukuna is an orphan, a young twelve year old sorcerer learning the craft of jujutsu society.

Unfortunate turns of events as he fights against a special grade curse. When everything is a disaster, losing hope. The white long haired man, adorned by white silk clothes that sceams out nobility came in his aid in an instant the curse finds its end as soon as the man came. His eyes wanders to meet Sukuna's. He beams a smile at the younger and say. "I am Sugawara, Yang." He paused. "Come with me, child." He looks around the green grass now painted by blood of Sukuna's seniors who had also died dealing against the curse.

Sukuna hesitantly nods his head at the man.

"Name?" He inquires.

"S-Sukuna. Ryomen Sukuna. Sugawara-san." He responded.

"Call me Yang. I feel old when people call me by my family name besides your great Sensei has recommended me to take you as he told me you have potential to be more than your seniors." He paused as his sharp eyes scans Sukuna from head to toe. "Dealing with the special grade curse earlier. Only you is left alive. I expect your tough enough for a twelve year old who has no connection to the prominent families of the jujutsu society it must be more than luck. I must say."

Sukuna hands turns into fists as he hated whenever people state such words of qualifying his value. He kept his mouth shut.

The man smirks, raising a brow as he watches the boy's reaction. "Follow me brat."


"That's not very nice of you, Sukuna-kun." The man chuckles.

Sukuna scoffs. "I'll be your apprentice, not your dog Sugawara-san."

The man laughs as he walks away with the twelve year old following behind him.

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