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Don't be silly, please read the rules. I did my best to make them short so you don't have to read a lot.

With my Eclipse Awards about to be over (finishing up judging soon!), it's time for a new contest! This time, this contest is open to everyone. Fanfic and original story writers.


1) Must be your own story. Please do not submit on another author's behalf.

2) There are ten main categories, five mini categories, and three huge categories. You can submit up to four times in four different categories. That means you cannot submit twice in the same category.

3) You cannot submit the same book in multiple categories. That means you have to submit different books if you decide you want to submit to multiple categories.

4) While participating in these awards, you cannot apply to my review shop or interview book with the book(s) you submitted. You can still apply with other books, though.

5) Any genre is welcome. Original stories, fanfics, etc. I have categories that should appeal to most authors regardless of their style. If you're a fanfic writer, don't worry much about the fandom, I will review it regardless of if I know the fandom or not. I judge based on quality of the story, not the fandom. Though I am in a lot of fandoms, so you probably don't have to worry about this anyway.

6) Obviously, don't send hate to any participant or be rude in the comments.

7) If you're not familiar with who I am, this may be shocking to you, but I am the only judge as to keep things fair. I know many people have had bad experiences with judges, therefore I am doing it myself to ensure you get the same quality review with the same level of detail.

8) I don't give harsh feedback. My reviews are honest but not harsh since I don't believe harsh feedback does much, if anything, for an author that an honest review cannot. For that reason, please don't be scared of my feedback since I'm not going to use any harsh language.

9) Compared to other contests, the payments I ask for are very light, so please respect my wishes and follow them. If you are signing up for this contest, please make it your responsibility to follow the very few payments I ask for since you will save me a lot of stress. If you have concerns about the payments, please talk to me privately.

10) Don't attempt to bribe me, obviously. Unless you have pics of Park Jimin's thighs all oiled up, it's not gonna work.

11) READ THE JUDGING CRITERIA. I made it public so you guys can see what I am looking for. Trust me, it will help you decide what story to submit if you know more about how I judge.

12) Use my form. Anyone using a form that isn't mine will be forced to redo it using my form.

13) I initially said less than 60k reads, but due to high demand, I am changing it. There is no read limit anymore and I am accepting all books of all read counts.


Don't worry, I'm not going to make you tag a hundred people lol.

1) Permanent follow

- I will find out if you unfollow me. I have an iPad, I can see very easily if you are following me or not. I check every applicant when I judge a category even if you are not a participant in said category. I will find out. I always do. Even after the contest is over, I will check if you are following me. If you do not plan to follow this rule permanently, don't bother submitting at all.

- Even if you back out of the contest, you must stay followed, hence the word "permanent."

- I do not accept the "it was just a glitch" excuse as a reason for unfollowing. Too many people have told me this so I reached out to Wattpad support and they told me no such glitch exists. If you are having trouble following me, the odds are you followed too many people in one day, so you should wait a few hours then try again.

- Similarly, any excuses along the lines of "I thought I wasn't accept," "I thought the contest was inactive," or anything else are not excuses I accept. Before unfollowing, reach out to me to ask those types of questions. AKA: Talk to me, don't unfollow.

- It is not my responsibility to remind you that you submitted to this contest, so saying "Oops I forgot I submitted" isn't my problem. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but I run a review shop and I see excuses like that all the time. Keep in mind I am the only host and judge. Please respect me since I am doing this on my own. Unfollowing may not seem like a big deal to you, but guess what, if you unfollow, you're making me search through every single form to see if someone from here unfollowed.

- I would prefer if you follow me from the account the story is on, but backup accounts are fine too. If you are following from a backup, list the backup here. Not in your form or anywhere else, leave an inline comment here.

2) Add to your library (public or private)

- I don't really consider this a payment, you should be adding it to your library so you can get updates. However, I don't care if it's put in a public or private library as long as you put it somewhere you can get notifications.

3) Message Board Shout Out

- Please post this awards book on your message board and tag me.

4) Tagging

- When you fill out your form (not here), please tag 2-12 people. I understand not everyone has Wattpad mutuals and stuff like that, so I hope that by making the minimum 2, that's easier on everyone. I would appreciate it if you tagged a bunch of people to help fill up this contest, but I absolutely will not judge you or hold it against you if you cannot tag many people. If you can't tag anyone, please let me know and we can find a solution.

Once you do those things, your form will be approved.

If you break any of these payments (mostly the follow), you will be given one warning. If you break them again, you will be automatically blocked and publicly blacklisted. I have judged in many contests and know many many many awards hosts. I will send your name around to them so they know not to accept you. Just don't break the payments, please. I don't ask for much, especially when compared to other contests.

OPTIONAL Payments:

These are all optional, but would be appreciated to help spread the word about these awards. The faster they close up, the faster I get to review your work!

1) Vote on this awards book

2) Share my profile with your friends

3) Leave some comments on this book to help boost it in the algorithm

Story rules will be posted in the categories chapter, but I'm not too picky so don't worry about there being a lot of rules.

If you have any questions, please leave them here.

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