✨1.First Meeting✨

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"Everything can be bought with Money. There is no thing in this world that I can't buy with money. Money is power, baby"

"Then, what about love?"

"Just snap out of your fictional world. Love, Prince Charming... They are only in your books not in Real life."

"No, Mr. Chauhan!! Money can't buy me nor my self respect. Your stupid money can't buy honesty, love or virtues."

"If I don't make you mine, then I swear I will leave this all"

"Mr. Chauhan, It will be better if you leave your obsession on money because Arohi Sharma won't be yours. She won't be wife of a monster "

So Is it true Love can change a person completely? Kabir Chauhan, one of the richest and successful business man who walks with two faces:-The face of King infront of the buisness world and the face of Lucifer infront of the underworld.... A ruthless and arrogant mafia boss... What will happen if he comes across a sweet and innocent girl like Arohi Sharma? Does love tears away his obsession of money & power and makes him obsessed with her? [Warning:Arohi Sharma is not so sweet and innocent, she is bold and daring for her enemies.😎...She is like a tubelight -Takes some time to process things.]


In an abandoned house, there were some men who were waiting for someone. They all were wearing black suits.There was a short man in the gang who was holding a cigarette in his one hand, sitting on the couch and smoking. It seems like he was the boss from his looks. There were several bodyguards for him who were carrying guns in their pockets. Around somewhat 30 cars arrived and parked infront of this house. Several men wearing black suits with black glasses carrying guns get off from their cars. They all turned to a car which was unopened.It was a Mercedes benz car.

A man from the gang came forward and opened the door

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A man from the gang came forward and opened the door. A handsome and young man around 25 years old  wearing a black tuxedo, black rolex watch on his right hand, golden chain carved with letter K around his neck, black polished shoes, black googles on his eyes gets out of the car.

 A handsome and young man around 25 years old  wearing a black tuxedo, black rolex watch on his right hand, golden chain carved with letter K around his neck, black polished shoes, black googles on his eyes gets out of the car

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He goes inside the house alone. He came and stood infront of the dwarf man. That man was feeling proud of himself to see this guy was standing infront of him because he knew that this young guy is the most famous underworld diamond dealer.This short fellow's name is Baksh.He crossed his legs and leaned to the couch supporting his head with his hands.
Baksh:"So, Mr. Kabir Chauhan, It's really a pleasure to meet you. Money sure makes slave master and master salve."
Kabir takes off his goggles and looks at Baksh with his intense blue eyes. His eyes had a dominating power which can make anyone shiver in their place,"You are true. Money surely makes everyone lose their worth. That's why you didn't stand up even when the king came. I hate those who are arrogant. "

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