✨27.Unveiling the Master Plan✨

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      Arohi was awestruck to see Kabir's secret room. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw all those valuable gems. The day she stepped into his house, she was getting surprises one after another. She was getting a taste of Kabir's super rich life. Arohi also saw another secret door there but she couldn't complete her investigation because of a phone call and she decided to search that mystery room later. Arohi quickly comes out of the room and closes the secret room. She walks towards the balcony area and opens the door. A man was climbing the railings of the balcony. Arohi helps him to climb up. She brings him inside the room and hugs him, "Thank you for coming here. I was feeling suffocated here till now.I can't stay here. I can't stay with a monster. Kabir is a criminal.He kills people... He is a murderer..I can't stay here, Raj.. Please help me out, Raj. "

Raj consoles her and made her sit on the armchair, "Look at me, Arohi... You can't accept defeat now. Look at the bright side,you can find his truth by staying close to him and expose him.He won't doubt a thing. We can complete our mission quickly."
Arohi wipes her tears, "Are you saying that I need to stay with that monster for lifetime? What if he kills me? He had killed a lot of people. So, it would be easy for him to kill me."

Raj cups her cheeks, "Hey.. Hey.. Don't be scared. He won't do anything. If he wanted to kill you,then he would have never married you. If you stress out like this, he will realise you know his truth. Be calm and behave like the Arohi who doesn't know his secret."

Arohi looks at him, "No.. No.. He shouldn't know about that. He had chased his men after me the moment he saw me there. He sighed a relief when he found out that I don't remember anything."


Arohi had seen how Kabir had killed people mercilessly. Even though those were the same loan sharks who had troubled her family and her so much, he had killed them with his own hands. Arohi couldn't believe it because even though Kabir was an arrogant and rude man, she believed that he is a good human afterall. But seeing this, she is sure Kabir is not a human but a monster. She was running away from Kabir but he had chased his entire gang after her. After running and begging for help for a long time,someone dragged her towards a dead end and this man had closed her mouth to prevent her from screaming. Kabir's men goes back not seeing Arohi anywhere. Arohi bites on this man's hands and he let out a scream. That's when she saw his face, "Raj??"
Raj looks at her, "Yes..!!I am Raj"

Arohi hugs him tightly, "Raj, please save me from them... From Kabir... He is not what you see!!He is a criminal... He is a murderer... He had killed them... I saw it.. They were in their own pool of blood... Blood was everywhere.."
Raj looks at her,"I know how he is!But to gain his trust, I need to do this. I'm sorry. "
Arohi looks at him with shock, "What do you mean?"
Raj took out the injection from his pocket. Arohi was shocked to see it. The day was getting worse for her. One after another, everyone was betraying her trust. Raj puts back the injection, "I can't do this, Arohi... I won't do this."
Arohi blinks at him, "What are you saying?? What were you trying to do??"
Raj sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose,"Kabir was like this his entire life. What you saw today was his real form. His real identity... He is a mafia boss.. A capo.. Lucifer of Underworld!"

Arohi stares at him with confusion,"Please, Raj... I don't want to hear jokes now. This is not the right time."
Raj sighs again,"Arohi, they aren't any jokes... This is the truth.. No one knew the real Kabir Chauhan except his gang members and the underworld people. Kabir does this for years. He is an expert in twisting truths. He had killed a lot of people in his life. "
Arohi looks at him,"Then why isn't he in jail?? Why is he roaming freely?? "

Raj:"How will I explain to you? You know that court needs evidence. There isn't any evidence against Kabir. He is a real mastermind who vanishes every single trace of evidence for the crimes he had committed. The day when you come to my police station, I was so happy to know that atleast you have got some evidence against him. Because whoever comes to the police station with evidence against him, either they will come back and take their cases back or won't come to police station again for further formalities. When I saw your evidence weren't sufficient enough to trap him, I got disappointed. I am on the mission to expose the real face of Kabir Chauhan to the world for the last three years. Still, I didn't get any evidence against him. But the moment I saw you with him, I was damn sure that the only person who can destroy Kabir Chauhan is you. The only person who can destroy Kabir's attitude and expose his true colors is you. "

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