The Truth Shall Set You Free

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One afternoon Argo found Rahnie talking to a device , but the technology was years ahead human science, and the language she spoke was not like any foreign language he ever heard of.


"honey is everything okay?"

He asked the shoked Rahnie.


"oh , I can explain , I was going to tell you, I just didn't know how to begin."


"You can start by telling who are you really? , because everyone kept saying you are not a vampire and I defended you. So please help me see what I have been missing." He felt like such a fool for not seeing the truth about their differences.


"I came to earth about five centuries ago, from a nearby planet. I am a Marian from mars, we are photosynthetic species .

We feed off the sun , but due to the distance from the sun , our species is endangered of going extinct. So I was sent as one of the agents to this planet to collect data of the compatibility of this planet with our species. So each hundred years I have to go back and report on my findings. The first time I arrived it was raining and the locals kept yelling "raining ,raining" I didn't know what it meant at the time , one asked me who I was and I responded rahnie , and it has been my identity since then ."


"Wait so your species want to come to our world? You know humans do not treat well those who are different from them !"


"We were planning on conquering the natives by force and infiltration to their political , economical and their religious power structures but religion was a concept we haven't grasped yet it holds so much value to humans."


"You hypocrite!" He snapped " you got mad at me for killing humans how are you any better? You made me feel like humans were important to you than me! You hurt me!"


"I am sorry I needed an excuse, my time was up ,I had to go back and I could not be teleported anywhere near you , I am under strict orders to never expose our technology to humans they are not ready to grasps, their world is centuries behind ours . I never planned for this , every other hundred years it gets harder for me. After a century I just tell myself that maybe you have deceased, but you are alive. Loving you was not part of the plan and now I am conflicted . I have an obligation to my species but you have made me feel like I belong where you are. I have been staling my superiors , but soon enough I will be teleported to let the first wave of the invasion begin. And I wont be able to stop it."she said with tears on her face.


"hey, hey , don't worry we will figure it out together . I will go with you to the most dangerous parts of the universe . I love you and that is never going to change."

He hugged her and calmed her down. The bond these two shared was beyond mere feelings . They were lost souls unwanted by their kinds for being true to themselves and it was that rejection that pulled them closer , no one could understand him like she did , and no one could trust her like he did. On paper these two had no reason to ever be together , but reality is another thing entirely. Same sense of humor, compassion for humanity, immortality and the undying fondness of each other. She treasured every moment she had with him , because any day she could be teleported back to her planet. For the one who had never tasted death was willing to die for who she loved , and the once deadman was willing to live for her.

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