Chapter One-Welcome to the Shit-Show

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Author's Note: Hello long time readers! I got this idea while rewatching Life is Stange and I really wanted to write it. I do want to go ahead and disclaim the I'm NOT coming back to writing one-shots or writing regularly. This might be a one-time book return that I write in 2-3 parts.


SPOLIERS/WARNINGS/NOTES: This will have some spoilers to the story, there will be some details switched for the reader being added to the story, any details that don't accurately fit the story will also just be a 'made this way for the sake of this fanfiction', and lastly the ages of everyone is going to be up-ed to college age instead of it being a high school like in the game. 


Waking up to your alarm screaming at you, you hit the snooze once before deciding it was time to get up you were just torturing yourself with the extra ten minutes of sleep. You shouldn't had stayed up late watching that movie with Nathan, not like you wanted to. He had texted you that day after college to see what you were up to. Which meant he just wanted to know what you were doing or he wanted to hang out, if you told him you were winding down to go to bed it was a 50/50 chance he would leave you alone for the night. Studying meant he would likely want to come over and study with you. Just relaxing was a no-go summoning him to hang out. Hanging out/spending night at Chloe's was always a guaranteed rant from him and would be worse if you happened to lie. That's something you noticed, it was like he always knew if you were telling the truth about where you were or what you were doing. Was he paying someone or several people to keep a eye on you? Did he have cameras or access to cameras? You began to question if he was nuts enough to install cameras in your room and put a tracker on your phone and/or vehicle. You jumped as you felt a arm tightened around your waist. Looking behind you, you saw a sleepy annoyed Nathan who grinned when you eyes met. You jumped out of his grip, causing him to frown. 

"Chill out, nothing happened." Nathan dismissed your panicked expression, "You fell asleep during the movie, so I carried you to your bed from the couch and I was tired too, so I Just slept here."

You stayed quiet as you tried to remember anything past Nathan coming over and the two of you beginning to watch a movie, but it was blank. 

"If I was going to do something, I'd be making sure you were awake and begging for it~"

You scoff at his sexual remark. You hadn't even been awake for five minutes and he was already being a pervert. Picking up your showering supplies you turned to look at him, who grinned pervertedly as you crossed your arms

"Fine, fine. I'll be walking ya to your classes in a bit cutie."

With that he headed out, you following behind. After showering and erasing some mean stuff people left on Kate's board and replacing it with sayings and doodles that you knew she loved, so she would hopefully feel better. People had been assholes to her since that video came out. Going through your classes, listening to Nathan's ramblings as he walked you from class to class, you didn't even tell him your classes, you assumed he just got a copy from the office. You, him, and Victoria all had Mr.Jefferson the photographer as your last class of the day. Victoria was such a kiss-ass to Nathan and to you as well. You knew she was only nice to you as if word got to Nathan that she disrespected you, she would lose that social status here as one of his 'friends'. Sitting down at the table, the two joining you. You spaced out the two of them talking about began thinking. 

 It had been a long week with your stalker...admirer as he liked to claim. The letters, notes, gifts, any sort of unwanted interactions, unwanted hangouts, etc. It wasn't like you could just go to the principal he was paid off, school board paid off, and the police were his own private being paid off. Everyone was paid off and you knew that trying to take any action to get him to quit was going to instantly throw out as 'a well-rounded and widely respected student wouldn't do such a thing' or 'this is just a lovers querl'. That's if it didn't get flipped on you and have them sue you like Nathan threatened, but could they [his parents] sue you if he refused to press charges? He wanted you to be with him, you knew he wouldn't go through with court. But the case being made by his father could ruin your reputation and prevent you from getting a job in the area or even different areas if you moved elsewhere. At least he wasn't using money as a threat to get you to be with him. If that was him wanting you to come to him willingly or his ego refusing to only get you by threat, you weren't sure. He very well knew that you didn't want to take a chance on this affecting you so that he could push his way into your life to a certain extent, in his mind you would eventually fall for him. The number of people that thought you and Nathan were a couple annoyed you to no end, you went on a single date with him and that was if he agreed to leave you alone after. He agreed, but didn't keep his end of the agreement as he wasn't willing to accept after the date you rejected him. 

Rewind ~ Yandere Nathan Prescott x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now