Chapter Three-Together

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The last several months without your friends had been rough, you ran various ideas through your head as a possible solution, but every option had two or more ways it would backfire. Thankfully, Chole and Max had come up with a plan. Stepdouche to the rescue. He had some connections higher up that would put Nathan behind least long enough for you, Chole, and Max to move away and get a protective order that would not allow him to be within so many feet of you. You hoped you could get it as much as the state, but that wasn't likely. Between his family name and money, he would be getting the least amount of charges however if the higher ups brought solid evidence against him [I don't know if there's a level of police/fbi/swat teams that's between the police to FBI, but if there isn't pretend there is in this world], he would have to own up to it....or he wouldn't and get something around the same sentence. Stepdouche had some friends in your home state [if ur outside the US, just pick your favorite] that just so happened to be officers, who agreed to keep an eye out to provide un-paid-off protection if need be. Plus, stepdouche was able to get free kits of security cameras for some unknown thing, maybe his service or other jobs [or for the writer, convenience].

He was going to give you his last set to put around the house. Your house had been picked, you and Max were going to continue college here, and Chole got in touch with a old friend of hers who works in mechanics and was going to take Chole on as a paid mechanic-in-training. Hell, David and his group were even about to get Frank to bring Nathan's actions to light. Frank was going to get a reduced sentence if not fully taken off, plus paid double what Nathan had paid him to make sure Chole and Max stayed away from you. Turns out the reason he was so persistent about getting his honey was he was saving up to be able to get out of this town and back to his family to get his life straightened out [this is one of those, like many details changed for the sake of the reader being added to the story as well as author's convenience].

Things were looking up. Stepdouche wasn't always a douche, but that name still fits on occasion. You had to silently applaud Max for getting the idea to be a TA for the office to deliver people's mail. When the note they were writing to you happened to tapped on a fast food coupon and meals paper, Nathan wouldn't bother messing with it. You on the other hand got taken out every Friday as a celebration. Today was the last day of college and you were getting nervous. Your stuff was packed and sent to your 'family home', ake being sent to where all of you would be moving to. Stuff that you would need to last the week before the trial was going to be at Joyce's. One week. One week and Nathan would be put behind bars. Everything added up could put someone behind bars for decades, but even if he could get a week, everything would be more than taken care of. 

David had been offered a higher paying job in the state you were moving to and Joyce [along with the others] decided they would be selling the house as it's time for a new life chapter. Chole wasn't thrilled at the idea, but understood for everyone's safety it was best. Everything seemed to fall into place. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you tensed up, suddenly feeling hot breath on your neck. You turn to see Nathan, just smiling a sickly sweet smile. He just had to fulfill the creepy stalker role to a T. He took his hand into yours, walking you down to the breakfast area. One last breakfast here. 

"Man, I tell ya I'm sooooooooooo excited to see your hometown." Nathan exclaimed, "It can be our little vacation spot a couple of times a year. That would be sweet of me, wouldn't it?"

You hummed. Yes, a vacation to see your family a few times a year would be so sweet of him. Wasn't as if he's trying to slowly isolate you from everyone. Starting with your closest friends. The moving to other friends, then family. You wouldn't be surprised if he asked you to be his stay at home spouse who waited around like a prized poodle waiting for him at home, no other person worthy of your time. Surrounded by his family, a constant threat for you to not push the limit. The limit that was getting smaller and smaller. You had at least hoped his obsessive and stalker tendencies would calm down with him being able to be around you practically double what he was some months ago. But the obsession had just grown more and more. He even stopped being part of the Vortex club to be able to spend more time with you. Victoria being one of the few he lets be around you, considering she would tell him everything you said, did, or anyone you talked to.  It was infuriating the more you thought about it. This dude who has had an obsession with you for who knows how long would've had a chance to be with you had he gone to therapy and tried to get better would rather you out of fear for your friends being hurt, go to him and be with him technically by your own choosing and was clear that you were only doing this to keep them safe. He wasn't stupid, he knew you weren't with him because you had finally fallen for him, he said he knew it was going to take time. You remember the whole spill he would give you every time you wouldn't be able to handle your emotions and would cry about the situation. 

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