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The seniors walked into their classes. Charlotte found an empty desk near the windows and took a seat. The whole class started to fill slowly with giggling boys.

The didn't seem to acknowledge her presence at first, but slowly one by one started to pay attention to the beautiful girl.

Charlotte was doodling at her notebook ignoring the stares around her. Nobody talked to her, she felt alone.

A blonde boy with glasses entered the class, nobody waved at him. He looked around and spotted them only empty seat. He then noticed that a girl was already sitting in the desk. He hesitantly sat down next to the girl.

"Hi" he offered her a tight nervous smile.

"Hi" Charlotte smiled at him and she instantly noticed his crystal blue eyes the boy looked like he was Scandinavian " I'm Charlotte" she offered her hand.

"Nick" they boy smiled back

They didn't manage to exchange any more information about each other because the professor walked in.

Professor Douillard was teaching Latin. We walk towards his desk with the most boring expression ever. When his eyes laid on the girl they stayed there for a second. He knew that there was a girl among the seniors but he didn't expected her to be in his first lesson of the school year.

"Hello boys!" He said at the students"... and miss" he added in a more quiet tone. " senior year is the most important year and you all have to be focused... but I suppose mr Bellanger  already told your this."

He took a chalk in his hand and wrote his name on the board and some more instructions that had to do with the lesson.

"He's a bit strict isn't he?" The girl whispered at Nick.

"He is one of the most strict"

"One? There's worse?"

The boy just nodded keeping eye contact with the girl who looked terrified. The professors at her old school weren't as strict.

The professor proceeded to write on the board. Cato attulit quodam die in curiam ficum praecocem.

"Which one of you can translate this sentence?" Professor Douillard asked and Charlotte instantly raised her hand.

Professor ignored her presence completely his eyes shifted toward the brunette boy who talk with Charlotte at the yard. The boy had raised his hand a couple seconds after Charlotte.

"Mr. Magnan!"

"Cato brought today a Libyan fig in the Senate" the boy answered the question. But Douillard didn't seem happy with his answer.

"Almost perfect mr. Magnan, you got wrong one tiny detail. Can you spot your mistake?"

The boy kept on staring at the board mattering Latin I suppose. He was determined to find his mistake but he couldn't do it.

"Anyone who can spot the mistake?" Douillard asked and his eyes scanned the class. There was only one hand raised Charlotte's.

Charlotte felt like an idiot her hand was raised, she knew the answer and professor Douillard simply ignored her. He was even avoiding her look.

The boy who was sitting next to mr. Magnan had a slight smile on him face. His eyes were drifting from professor Douillard to the girl and back. He was impressed by the determination on the girl's face. Her brown eyes were shooting spikes to the man.

He raised his hand.

"Ah, finally" the professor exclaimed " Mr. Dupin"

The boy cleared his throat " I don't know the answer but I am sure she does" he pointed at the girl and offered her a soft smile.

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