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Monday arrived quicker than Charlotte expected. During the weekend she had cried over and over again. Now it was her time to be strong.

She walked into the school with the same confidence that she had on the first day. You could even describe her as arrogant, but that was her shield.

"Morning Char!" Christian waved his hand at her, a smirk was on his face. Charlotte looked at the boy for a moment and then she continued her walking without answering to him. The nerve he had!

She walked towards her brother, Dupin and Descamps. She knew that Jean-Pierre wouldn't go near them.

"What's up Charlotte?" Dupin asked her with a smile. He looked so much like his brother, but he was so different. They had the same smile.

"Fine I suppose, it was a hard weekend"

"Why it-"

"Have you heard the rumours about Mrs Bellanger?" Descamps caught of his friend.

"What rumours?" Charlotte shift her attention towards him.

"She was seen at the cinema, kissing with another woman" he said in a hushed tone.

"What! No way" Charlotte put her hand over her mouth.

"How did you know?" Theo asked him

"Michele told Laubrac, who told Pichon, who told Lamaziere, who told me" he shrugged.

"When did it happen?" Dupin asked

"Yesterday I suppose. Michele saw them with her own eyes. At least that's what Lamaziere said"

"Poor mr. Bellanger, imagine your wife cheating on you with another woman" Theo shook his head.

"It is a shame, learning that someone that you dearly love doesn't return the feelings" Dupin added. Oh, how right he was...

Descamps eyes shifted to the girl to see if she was alright. They haven't spoken since Saturday morning.

"Oh, Charlotte I need to show you something!" Descamps said and stood up from his seat, leading the girl a few meters away from the boys. He pretended to reach for something in his back. "So, what are you you to do with Magnan?"

"Nothing" she shrugged

"What do you mean nothing?" He said in a angry but quiet tone " You won't confront him?"

"He doesn't deserve my time."

Descamps sighted, he admired the girl, there was no way that he would've the same reaction if he was in her position. "I told Nick"


"He wants to kill him... I calmed him down"

"Thanks. A lot Descamps. Everyone says that you are the asshole in this school, but there is worse"

The first lesson of the day was about to begin. Charlotte walked into the class, looking around for Nick. Jean-Pierre quickly found her eyes and waved at her with a smile.

Charlotte walked around the class and sat next to Nick, ignoring Jean-Pierre. The boy frowned his eyebrows, why was she ignoring him all of the sudden?

The lesson started and Charlotte answered every question possible. Jean-Pierre answered none he was staring at the girl a few seats away.

When the class was over she quickly walked out of it.

"Charlotte!" Jean-Pierre shouted and walked after her. She could hear his footsteps behind her so she sped up her walking. "Charlotte wait!"

She didn't turn around. She pushed the door of the girl's' bathroom and walked in, locking herself in a stall. Jean-Pierre didn't hesitate, he walked in as well.

Someone else walked in as well. Let it be a teacher, let it be a teacher... Charlotte wished.

"What are you doing here?" A voice was heard. Michele

"I'm waiting for Charlotte" the boy answered

"Yeah, wait for her somewhere else. We have to change for gym class" few steps were heard and then a door closing.

Charlotte was grateful for the girl. She had no idea, but she had help her so much. She walked out of the stall.

"I told Jean-Pierre to leave" she informed the girl

"Oh, okay thanks" Charlotte muttered and pushed the door open, wishing that Jean-Pierre wouldn't be behind it.

"He really loves you" Michele said to her. She could cry and scream at this very moment, but she settled with a small nod before walking out of the bathroom.

She managed to avoid Jean-Pierre for the rest of the day. At first the boy was confused, now he was pissed of. School was over and students began to walk home, this was his last chance to speak with her.

He ran in between the students and grabbed her forearm.

"Let me go!" She said and pulled her arm away, but Jean-Pierre had a strong hold on her.

"No! Why are you avoiding me?" He said in a loud tone.

"Why? You have so nerve in you!" She managed to pull herself away

"I have some nerve? One minute we're talking and we're having fun and the next you stop speaking to me!" He walked besides.

"When was the point where we were fine Jean-Pierre?" He looked confused now.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you talking for the moments before or after you plan succeeded?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"What?" His voice was lower now. For a moment Charlotte thought that Descamps had lied. Jean-Pierre looked confused, but why would Descamps wanted to hurt her like that?

"I know you were leading me on to get the place in the competition"

"How-how do you know?" He was lost his feet. Charlotte's eyes went red he didn't even bother to deny it "Who told you?" He looked angry.

"Is that the problem? Who told me?" She pushed him back "Not the fact that you were manipulating me into a relationship with you!"

"It wasn't even my idea! It was Christian's" he tried to defend himself.

"Christian wasn't the one kissing me, was he? You're an arrogant, selfish asshole who doesn't give a shit about others feelings-"

"Don't talk to me like that!" He hissed and hold her hands with force. She could move out of his grasp

"What? Hard to hear the truth fucker!"

"Don't fucking speak to me like that!" They were now shouting at each other, a few students who were passing by stayed put to watch their argument.

"Let her go!" Descamps pushed the boy away from the girl knocking him in the ground.

"Stay out of it Descamps!" He quickly  stood up again. Descamps was standing in front of Charlotte, blocking her from Jean-Pierre. "You don't know anything!"

"Oh, I know enough!" Jean-Pierre's eyes turned red again.

"You're the one who told her?" He grabbed Descamps by the collar of his shirt.

"Don't act like I'm the problem here!" Descamps said and with him free hand he punched Jean-Pierre on the face. Jean-Pierre let go of him and touched his cheek, shocked by the sadden hit. "Go near her again and you're dead"

"Is that a threat?"

"It is!" Descamps said and walked away with Charlotte.

The girl let some tears fall down her eyes. "I can't believe him" she cried out

"It's okay Charlotte, you are okay" Descamps hugged the girl.

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