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The next day had come, Charlotte was walking to school. She felt weird she was about to walk into a class without knowing whether one of her classmates was gonna be inside. She hadn't heard anything about Jean-Pierre's hearing.

Another thing was going around her mind. Only late at night, hours after the school had ended she realised that Jean-Pierre has seen her in just her bra. She didn't realise what she was doing at that moment the boy needed the blazer and she exchanged hers with his.

But he was way too nervous about the hearing to notice her appearance right? And even if he did notice it was just her bra it wasn't a big deal right? He could have seen her in a swimsuit, it would be the same thing.

That's at least what she told her self. The boy did notice that she was standing in front of him in her bra and a pair of shorts. But he didn't replay the moment in his head he was way to busy with other stuff.

Charlotte met Jean-Pierre at the same crossroad as yesterday. He was holding his school bag and he was
a shirt with a tie. Why is he always so well dressed? Charlotte thought eyeing at the boy's outfit.

She didn't wave at him, she was waiting for him to talk this time. The boy didn't say a word but he stood still waiting for the girl to reach to him. Charlotte was walking towards him.

"Come on Altier! I won't wait for you forever!" He shouted and a smile creeped up on his face. The girl didn't sped up, she even started to walk slower than before. The boy groaned in annoyance.

"I see they didn't kick you out of here" she said once she reached to him.

"No they said I am their best student, they can't kick me out just like that" he shot the girl a knowing look. Charlotte knew he was trying to get under her skin, so she didn't gave him  the satisfaction.

"Wasn't it because of the blazer?"

"No." He shrugged "thanks though for the blazer" he looked at the girl.

"Ehhh it wasn't even mine" the girl casually said. "And enjoy this best student title while you still have it"

"Is that a threat?" He stopped walking

"Maybe" the girl called and walked away leaving the tall boy behind. What she said was true she was going to be the best student. Magnan didn't know were he got himself into.

The first class of the day was maths, her favourite. She sat at her regular desk next to her regular friend.

"Did you heard? Magnan didn't get suspended" Nick whispered at the girl and she nodded.

"I bump into him this morning on my way to school" she whispered back

Just then a boy sat right in front of the two friends, it was none other but Christian Dupin. Since yesterday's game Christian seem to like Charlotte even more.

"Morning Char! Nick" he smiled at the two friends. It was obvious that he was more fond of Charlotte than Nick.

"Good morning Dupin" the two friends said in unison. Dupin looked rather happy today maybe it was because because his best friend didn't get suspended.

"How do you feel after yesterdays injury?" He asked referring to her nose bleed.

"Im totally fine. It wasn't anything serious" she shrugged

"For a moment I thought you broke your nose... You know Andon did it on purpose right?"

"Andon?" The girl asked confused

"The redhead" Nick explained to the girl " why do you think he did it on purpose?" He asked Dupin.

"Because he's a sore loser" he eyes stayed on the girl for a second, then they shifted towards the door. Jean-Pierre was standing in the doorway looking around for his friend. "Magnan over here!" The boy waved at him.

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