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Michele had run away with Alain!

This was the main subject for the week. Descamps snitched them to Michele's parents and they run away to be free. He did this as a form of revenge for both his eye and Charlotte.

Theo told her what Descamps did the previous night and God was she angry.First thing in the morning she went to find Descamps, she saw him a few meters away from the school gates.

"Charlotte!" He walked closer to her with a big smile on his lips "how are you?"

"Why did you do it?" She asked him.

"Wait-what?" He looked confused, he was taken aback by the girl.

"Why did you snitch Michele and Alain?" She crossed her arms.

"I had my reasons..." he looked anywhere but her eyes.

"Please enlighten me!"

"They had to pay off eventually... the Magnans" he said his eyes were cold. "For my eye, for what jean-Pierre did to you..."

"I never asked you to defend me! And for Gods sake Michele had nothing to do with either!" She raised her voice slightly.

"Dating that filth Laubrac was enough to make her guilty" he laughed.

Charlotte didn't find it funny at all, her look suddenly changed as an idea popped in her head "You had a crush on her"

Descamps eyes went wide but he quickly shifted back to his previous look "No"

"You were jealous-"

"Stop! You know nothing Charlotte! You are so naive"

Charlotte scoffed "Fuck you Descamps!" She said and walked away from the baffled boy. She had enough fights for the week she couldn't deal with another one right now. Besides the bell had already rang and she didn't want to be late.

She walked into the class, the professor hadn't walked in yet, but she was the last one to arrive. The only available sit was next to Jean-Pierre. She had no other option, she sat right next to him without looking at him.

She turned around and waved at Nick, behind him Christian was sited. He was trying his best to avoid Charlotte's look, he couldn't face her after the whole thing with plan got out.

She peaked at the boy besides her, he wasn't looking at her either, his eyes were focused on the desk, he looked miserable. That's when she realised that his sister was missing.

"Are you okay?" She softly asked him. She felt sorry for him, she couldn't imagine how she would feel if Theo was missing.

Jean-Pierre didn't reply at first, he snapped his head towards her, he hadn't even realised that she had sat next to him. He looked at her unable to believe if she was real or not. He hadn't slept last night or the night before, he kept on thinking about Michele.
"What?" He asked

"Are you okay?" Charlotte repeated. More quiet this time because professor Giraud has just entered the class.

"Do I look okay?" He whispered and turned his head away from her. Charlotte was taken aback, she just wanted to check up on him.

"Sorry for asking..." she turned away as well and started to place her books on the desk. Jean-Pierre sighed.

"Sorry" he rubbed his temple "it's been a rough few nights"

"I can imagine"

"No, you can't" he fired back "Since when are you talking to me anyway?" He rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted to check up on you" she explained she started to get more angry.

"Quiet!" Giraud shouted looking at the two.

"I don't want your pity" Jean-Pierre scoffed.

"You think this is pity?"

"Yes two days ago you weren't giving a fuck about me"

"That's not true" she didn't spoke to him yes, but she still cared about him.

"Yeah right" he laughed.

"Do I have to remind you what you did?" He wasn't innocent, he put himself in this position.

"You do remind me, every day actually. I'm not that stupid!" He gave her a sarcastic tight smile.

"Doubt it!"



"DETENTION! Both of you! After classes are over you will clean this entire classroom. You will have time to chat then" Giraud punished them.

They stayed quiet for the rest of the class. The were too angry with each to speak anyway. After school was over, both of them were waiting outside of the classroom waiting for the janitor to unlock the door and bring them a few cleaning tools.

He showed up, he was dragging a cart behind him full of mops, soaps, vetexes and a variety of sprays. "Have fun" he told them and pushed the cart into the classroom. He then proceeded to lock them inside. They had to clean for an hour.

Both of them picked a chore. Jean-Pierre was cleaning at the windows and Charlotte grabbed a sponge and started to wash each desk. It was almost the end of the school year and all the doodles that students had draw of them needed to be vanished.

Her eyes trailed of to Jean-Pierre, he was actually cleaning.

"You actually know how to clean! I'm impressed!" She broke the silence.

"I'm a man of many talents" he snapped at her. He didn't answer in a joking tone, but she wasn't trying to joke with him either. Jean-Pierre sighed "Sorry for calling you a bitch"

"It's okay" she said and continued her cleaning. Jean-Pierre was still lost her waiting for more words to fall of her mouth.

"Aren't you going to apologise for calling me an asshole?"

"But you are an asshole" a tight smile was formed on her lips. He rolled his eyes and went back to cleaning the windows.

"You're just like your boyfriend" he muttered.

Charlotte was confused, last time she checked she didn't have a boyfriend. Did he... Did he meant Descamps? Her eyes stayed focused on his back, trying to realise his thoughts. Was he jealous of... Descamps?

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