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The presentation was pretty great. Charlotte combined the two pieces which were compatible some how. They got an A.

Besides the high grade Charlotte was very happy that she didn't have to talk again to Jean-Pierre. The boy thought the same thing. They would constantly fight through classes, but that didn't count as a real interaction, at least to them.

Charlotte was sitting in her seat in agony. Professor Herman, the chemistry professor, was handing them their tests. The girl was very anxious about her grade. Let's say that chemistry wasn't her best class and the way professor Herman was teaching it made it even worse.

Professor Herman was like professor Douillard, he didn't want girls in this school. Professor Douillard slowly wrapped his head around the idea and was treating Charlotte decently. Professor Herman from the other side seemed to hate the girl.

He walked past her desk and practically threw her test at her, he continued his way without saying a word to her. The girl scanned the paper she had got 90%. Not bad...

She felt a pair of eyes focused on her, she turned around only to meet Jean-Pierre eyes boring into her. His test on his hand and a slight smile on his lips.

"What did you get?" He mouthed to her.

"Why do you care?" She mouthed back and the boy shrugged his shoulders. " I got 90%" she showed him the test feelings proud of herself.

Jean-Pierre made a fake sad face and turned him paper towards her. 98%. That's what it was written on the top corner in a red ink. "To bad you are a failure" he smirk. Christian must have heard his remark and nudged him with his arm.

Charlotte didn't care. Of course she was upset that Jean-Pierre scored a higher grade than her, but she knew the real reason behind it. Professor Herman's hate on the girls was causing her grade to fall.

She knew that her and Jean-Pierre had the same answers. They had discuss about them right after the test. Professor Herman had noted some of hers wrong without really giving her an explanation why. He just wanted to give her a lower grade than Magnan.

It was the last day before Christmas and nothing could ruin her day. She loved her classes and everything but to weeks off school would be so relaxing...

She had now changed into her gym clothes. She walked into the gymnasium with Nick. Today they were playing volleyball.

Professor Moreaux told them to split into two teams. Dupin was the captain of one team and the redhead captain to the other.

"Char" Dupin chose her first. After the basketball game at the beginning of the year Charlotte had turn from the last to the first choice. Her and Dupin where getting along pretty well. She liked him he was kind and funny if only his best friend wasn't-

"Magnan" Dupin chose his second player. Charlotte rolled her eyes, now they had to be teammates great.

The game started and it went pretty well, their team was great with one exception... Jean-Pierre wasn't that good, well he wasn't good at all actually. He still had his proud persona though.

Because they were to many to slit in to teams of 6 some of the kids were sitting on the benches. They constantly switched so they all got their chance to play.

Charlotte was sitting on the bench now and Jean-Pierre was serving the ball. He threw it in the air and hit it with force. The ball didn't pass the net of course. It actually flies towards the other direction

"Do you even know how to play volleyball?" Charlotte teased the boy, who rolled his eyes

"Do you even know how to play volleyball?" He said in a mocking voice as he ran after the ball.

"Oh nice real mature" the girl said

Jean-Pierre handed the ball back to Dupin and switched places with a student that was sitting on the benches. He sat one row above Charlotte.

"You are a real star at volleyball..." she said without looking at him.

"It's the only thing that you are better than me. Enjoy it" you could hear the smile on his voice.

"As if you are better than me" she scoffed still looking in front of her.

"Remember today's test?" She snapped around. There was no way he was using that as a comparison, Herman is always so unfair to her.

"You know we had the same answers..."

"But different scores... too bad" he pressed his lips on a thin line.

"You're only good because they are giving you attention!" She said in a louder voice, irritated by the boys' behaviour " If I stood a chance I would-"

"What? Answer wrong? Like you did on that test?" He said in a smartass tone.

"You think you are so much better?"

"I don't think darling, I am so much better than you!"

"Just because Herman is misogynist that doesn't mean you are better Magnan"

"It's not just Herman's class that I'm better. Douillard's too-"

"Ah, another great example of a teacher" she exclaimed.

"Just admit that you are second best. It will make your life easier" he offered her a tight smile.

The girl didn't get to reply because the class was over. She quickly got up from the bench and walked out of the gymnasium away from the boy.

"Miss Altier, I was looking for you" she met professor Douillard at the hallway

"What do you need me for professor?"

"I just have an announcement to do. Both to you and Mr. Magnan... Where is this boy" he muttered while looking around the hallway to find the boy " Ah, there his is. Mr. Magnan can you come over for a second?" He shouted and the boy walked towards them looking confused.

"Hello professor"

"Hello. So as I was saying to Miss Altier I have a great announcement to make that affects you two. Near the end of the year there is a Latin contest  the one Mr. Magnan was going to represent our school in. But I can't ignore how great of a student you are Altier... So I decided that whoever gets the best scores throughout the new semester will be our representation" he said and walked away.

Charlotte had a huge smile on her face. She had a chance to represent her school at an event like that. Jean-Pierre from the other hand felt threatened by the girl. This contest meant everything to him, he even stayed on this school because of it.

He also felt admiration towards Charlotte. This was a great achievement for a girl.

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