"Wake up

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"Wake up..."

A sweet voice whispered as Jisung was laid on the warm sand of the beach. Aside from the roar of the surf, everything was quiet. The young boy felt like he was gliding when he felt the cold water touching his feet, making him to slowly open his eyes. There was a blurry figure, it was not scaring Jisung, but more rather like giving him anxiety. He saw that figure in all of his dreams, but never knew who it was, it would always change voices when it talked to Jisung. Not really talking, most likely screaming at him to wake up or to just give it all up and end his life.

"Wake up...Wake up...! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"

And there he was, eyes wide open, sweat dripping off his forehead and rapid, deep breaths coming out of his puffy lips.
"Ugh...Why is it always the same voice?" Murmured a tired Jisung, fishing for his phone under his rock hard pillow. 3AM in the morning...perfect.

"Better get my ass to the bathroom." Said the student as he got up from the his soft mattress, looking back at it right after. It looked so warm and comfortable. But he knew there was no way he could fall back asleep. Lazily, Jisung went to his closet to pick something to wear, it was way too cold for him to only wear his green, silk pyjamas. As he pulled out an oversized, tie-dye sweatshirt and the first pair of jeans he could lay his hands on, he went to his en suite bathroom. Door already opened, Jisung just turned the lights on and entered the too bright for his eyes room.

"I look like a mess." He said in a small voice seeing his puffy face and sweaty face as he reaches for a towel to wipe his face. Jisung clears his throat and opens the shower door, turns on the shower and starts undressing. He enters the shower cabin and lets the warm water cover his whole body, as the shower windows starts to fog up.

 He enters the shower cabin and lets the warm water cover his whole body, as the shower windows starts to fog up

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"4:30AM, there is still time until the library opens." Jisung sighs still feeling drowsy, but couldn't feel the same warmth as in the dream he had, making his eyes shoot open.

"Better make a coffee to wake myself up." Thought the boy as he unconsciously started walking towards the his bedroom door. He slowly opened it looking around the small hallway and at the door in front of him. "Hyunjin's still sleeping, better be quiet."
Hyunjin is Jisung's roommate, best friend and the person that cares the most for him. Not even Jisung's parents pay as much attention to him like Hyunjin.

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