"You've got me nervous to speak

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"You've got me nervous to speak."


Uneven breath, sweat dripping down his neck and song booming in Jisung's ears as both his hands were placed on his knees, his soul ready to leave his body any time soon.

The sound of somebody falling down on the floor was heard and the boy only turned his head slightly seeing Felix all over the floor, chest rising and falling at a fast pace and blond hair strands messily on the floor. Jisung scoffed, straightening up and turning his body towards the younger, pushing out his hand for Felix to catch.

The boy reached his hand out pulling himself up from the cold floor. He was clearly tired from all the complicated steps they did.

"Sung-ah, how are you even standing up like you just warmed up?"

"I'm actually dying too, you little shit." Jisung cursed the air that he inhaled through his nostrils not being enough as his mouth is wide inhaling a huge amount of air.

"Dying my ass, you can do that dance perfectly and wouldn't be as tired as I am. You and Minho-hyung are something else."

The mention of the name made Jisung shiver, he moved his foot slowly on the floor, looking at nothing, just losing himself in his thoughts. The older didn't call or messaged Jisung for a whole week, neither did the boy saw him during his and Felix's practice, Minho always there practicing for his own performance in the opposite direction of the two younger boys.

Today he was absent as well, Jisung came 10 minutes after the class ended, he thought maybe he will be here today, but it seemed like he vanished out of nowhere.

Jisung wanted to text him, to tell him how he's been feeling all this time after what happened in his bathroom. He wanted to tell the older how he's been touching himself craving his touch more and more...but he was way too shy and had some self respect after all.

"Was he just messing with me?"

"Of course he was, why would he want someone who is so useless and weak?"

The voice in Jisung's head kept saying things that made him more and more like wanting to just go home and sit in his bed, starving himself like he always does and writing in his diary about his shitty life.

Yes, Jisung had a diary, that was the only thing that kept him sane. That scrappy notebook was holding some secrets that not even Hyunjin knew about and Jisung didn't want his best friend to actually know what he is actually thinking. Jisung always hides it in the drawer where he keeps his underwear, if the older found out about that notebook Jisung did not want to know the disgust Hyunjin would feel towards him. He couldn't bear the feeling of losing the only person he has left from his wack-ass life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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