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It was break time at peace high school ,Chan saw his friends gathered at a
table .He picked his food and sat by jisung.
" guys! I have something to say"chan said
" what do you want to say channie hyung"jeongin asked
" oh do guys remember my brother?" Chan asked
" the one you always talk about making it look like you are obsessed with him?" Minho sarcastically asked
Chan rolled his eyes and said " first of all I am not obsessed with my baby brother and yes he is the one I am talking about He will be attending school here from tomorrow. He is arriving today which means I can't spend the weekend with you guys."
" okay we get Chan but I don't think that's the reason you are telling us that"changbin said.
"Yh you are right. I want you guys to protect him when I am not around " Chan said.
"Why? Can't your brother protect himself?" Jisung asked
Chan sighed and said" he is too delicate and kindhearted for his own good "
"Don't worry channie hyung we will protect him." Jeongin said
Chan nodded and said" and please don't be mean to him" looking at minho and felix who was busy on his phone.
" why are you looking at us?" Minho asked
" because you and felix can be very mean to people even your own friends " Chan said
" don't worry Chan if he is cute I will not be mean to him" minho said.
" felix,..."Chan called the boy still looking at his phone.
" mmmm?"
" did you hear what I said?"
" yh and I will not be mean to hyungie little brother "
" what about jimin can't he take care of your brother " changing asked
" we all know that jimin is always busy because his finals his near." Chan said.
" don't worry we will protect him ok" changing said.
Just then the bell rang........

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