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After school,Chan and jimin hurried to and pick Hyunjin up from the airport,since he will be arriving from Australia anytime soon.Jimin had a car  so they didn't have to call for a cab or go with the bus.
       When they arrived at the airport, hyunjin was Standing outside. He had dyed his hair red.He immediately spotted Jimin and Chan when they got out of the car.He waved at them and moved towards them.
" Hey" he said with a big smile
" why are you taller than us?" Jimin asked fake glaring at him
" I don't know, maybe because God loves me more than you two"hyunjin said earning a glare from Chan
" Bullshit"Chan replied putting hyunjin's two suitcases in the boot.
" how is Australia?" Jimin asked getting into the driver's seat
" Good? Great? Normal? I don't know " hyunjin said when he got settled in the back seat.
" Mom said she misses you two"
" yeah?" Jimin asked
" yeah,Don't you miss her?" Hyunjin asked
" We will miss her when she she stops hopping  from one rich freak to another " Chan said earning a laugh from hyunjin.
" she still with that Spanish freak?" Jimin asked
" yeah"
" oh ,he is alive?" Chan asked
" you want him dead ?Mom wouldn't do that!"
" but you could have done that. You could have pushed him off the stairs. " jimin said
"And I would go to jail" hyunjin said.
" Nah you won't, you just have to wear gloves and you are good to go" Chan suggested
" Since you have an idea go do it yourself,I can't do it" hyunjin said
" Oh look,I forgot Jinnie I'd to kind hearted for his own good" jimin said
" Leave me alone jiminie hyung"
" whatever "

Soon they arrive jimin and chan's apartment which is located at one of the richest places in Seoul.
" welcome to Seoul!!" Chan shouted
" And welcome to my humble home" jimin said grinning.

" oh I forgot to ask, how is jungkookie hyung,seonghwa hyung and yeosang hyung? I haven't heard from them for a long time ". Hyunjin asked when Chan wad taking his suitcases from the car boot.
" They are around and fine. Seonghwa and yeosang started dating about a year ago." Hyunjin gasped whenjimin said that.
" and no one cared to tell me!! How mean!!" Hyunjin said following jimin and Chan into the elevator.
The elevator soon arrived on jimin's floor,so they left the elevator. Jimin took out his keys and opened the door and stepped aside to let hyunjin enter first.
  Everywhere was dark and no light came through from the outside since it is evening. Trying to find the switch, the light suddenly came on blinding him for a second.  Then he heard people scream


HELLO everyone my name is Calixta,your Author 💜😘😘

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