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" WELCOME TO SEOUL!!" Hyunjin opened his eyes to find jungkook, seonghwa and yeosang staring at him grinning.

" hyungs! I miss you all!" Hyunjin shouted pulling them into a group hug.
" we missed you too!" Yeosang said. Hyunjin released them and pouted.
" What's the problem jinjin?" Seonghwa asked.
" you and Sangie hyung didn't tell me you were dating!" Hyunjin said.
" Oh,we are sorry" yeosang said hugging the younger again.
" We wanted it to be a surprise.  Who spoilt the surprise?" Seonghwa asked.
" Minnie hyung did" Hyunjin said." Brat" Jimin muttered but Hyunjin heard it and shouted "hey!I am not a brat!"
Chan sent hyunjin's suitcases into his room and came back to have supper with the rest. They all settled down to eat and catch up then they watched a movie. Since it was late, jungkook, seonghwa and yeosang decided to stay the night since tomorrow starts the weekend.

   Hyunjin woke up to the blinding light of the sun since he forgot to close his curtains. He checked the time and it was seven o'clock. He got dressed and left the apartment without anyone seeing him since they are all asleep.  Hyunjin walked around for more than 30 minutes. While walking,he got distracted by a message on his phone sent by Chan asking where he was. Not seeing where he was going he bumped into someone and fell but the person catch him by the waist pulling him closer to the stranger.  Hyunjin looked down to see the face if the stranger who was slightly shorter than him. He let out a gasp seeing how handsome the stranger looks like. And the stranger had freckles!! Hyunjin loves freckles!!. The stranger let go of hyunjin and said " watch where you ate going next time ". He had a cold look but his voice was soft and deep!. Hyunjin fell for the male right the and then. Before he could introduce himself,the stranger was walking away.  Hyunjin  sighed and headed back home thinking about the stranger.

Sorry for the late yall💜💜💜

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