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  " Where is hyunjin?: felix asked after thirsty minutes of not seeing any sign of hyunjin.
" Already missing him?" Jisung teasely asked.
" No,I am serious where is he?" Felix asked again in a serious tone.
" Probably crying his eyes out in the watchroom." Yeji said when she passed  by felix and his friend group.   " And how do you know that?" Felix asked narrowing his eyes at yeji and ryujjn.
" Maybe because I am the cause of his tears,who knows" yeji laughed and left.    " Son of a bitch " felix said and left to go to the washroom.
" Ahm...guys...should we follow?" Innie asked.
" no,let them be. This is the first time felix has acted like this and I think we should see  how it goes" Chan said and continued eating.


  Felix rushed to the washroom and soon he heard someone sobbing in one of the cubicles.
" Jinnie" felix called.
" Jinnie" he called out again.  " lixie?"
" Jinnie,it is me felix. Open up." Felix softly said.
" No,I look ugly" hyunjin said.
" I  don't care about that hyunjin" felix said rolling his eyes at hyunjin.
" Open up jin ." Felix softly said.  
     Hyunjin let out a huge sign and opened the door. He immediately hugged felix and felix rubbed his back soothing him.
" What happened ?" Felix asked.
" you..."
"Me...?" Felix asked prompting him to continue
"'s nothing" hyunjin said.
" I don't know what yeji and ryujin told you, but you don't have to listen to them. Those two bitches can't fucking control your life." Felix said  earning a blush from hyunjin.    " Why are you blushing?" Felix curiously asked.
" When you curse you look ten times hotter " hyunjin said still blushing.
    " mmm.. then I will curse a lot to see this adorable reaction of yours." Felix said.
" I am not adorable " hyunjin mumbled
" why do you think so lowly of yourself?"
" this isn't thinking lowly of my self, this is being truthful " hyjnjin said.
" why do you thinkmlike this?"
" I will...I will tell you when I am ready." Hyunjin said.
" Okay take your time okay?" Felix said.
" Why are you soo nice to me?" Hyunjin suddenly asked.
" huh?"
" I heard from Chan that you are cold hearted and don't care about anything. But it is hard to believe them when you are being like this with me" hyunjin said.
" I don't know why I am being nice and gentle with you." Felix mumbled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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