Chapter Seven

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" Really Innie"
" But you just smiled for the first time "
" no I didn't smile"
" yes you did!" Innie insisted
" think whatever you want to" felix said looking for a place to sit. All seat were taken except the space beside hyunjin.

Hyunjin pointed to the space and said " come sit here handsome" hyunjin smiled at felix. Felix reluctantly sat by hyunjin.
" So what do you guys mostly do when you gather here?" Hyunjin asked.
" We catch up, eat and play video games till we are bored" minho said.
" so what are you guys doing today?"
" We want to play some video games then go out for lunch and then head to the park." Han said
" I think that's a good idea" Chan said nodding his head. Han and minho Started to set the place for the video games.
" jinnie, would you like to play?" Chan asked him.
" No hyung, I am okay here." Hyunjin said smiling.

Han ,Minho , Chan and jeongin were the ones playing and the rest were cheering except felix. He was just staring at them with a blank expression,. He stood up and headed to the kitchen. Hyunjin following behind like a lost puppy.
" why are you following me?" Felix asked.
" what are you about to do?" Hyunjin curiously asked.
" answer my question first "
" I just felt like following you. So now answer mine." Hyunjin said
" I want to make brownies " felix said taking things out.
" Can I help ?" Hyunjin excitedly asked .
" No but you watch " felix said. Hyunjin grinned and sat down on the counter. Hyunjin watched felix while he worked on the brownies.
" Felix?" Hyunjin called out
" yh"
" how old are you?"
" I am 19 "
" so you are my hyung, should I call you hyung?" Hyunjin asked.
Felix thought about it for a minute and said " No"
" Can I give you a nickname then?" Hyunjin asked.
" yes"
" lix, does anyone call you lix?" Hyunjin asked
" All my friends call me lix" felix replied.
" okay... what about ...Lixie?"
" Nobody calls me that"
" Then it is like then!" Hyunjin said in excitement.
" Okay "

Hyunjin and felix sat in comfortable silence until felix finished the brownies.

" Do you want to have the first bite?" Felix asked.
" yes" hyunjin said" open your mouth " felix said standing in between hyunjin's legs and bringing one of the brownies to hyunjin's mouth. Hyunjin blushed but opened his mouth to be fed by felix.
" Aww!!! Such an adorable sight to see " Han said whiles the rest standing behind him looked at felix with disbelieve clearly written all over their face.

" What do you want Han?" Felix coldly asked.
" You look at him with such a gentle look and look at me with such a cold look how ismthat fair!!" Han said fake hurt.
" Han jisung! I won't repeat myself" felix said glaring at him.
" We all wanted to check if you have killed him already " Han said.
" Why is everyone looking at you like that?" Hyunjin asked felix.
"Because...LEE FELIX FED YOU!!!" Minho shouted,.
" how is that a big deal?" Hyunjin asked.
" it is a big deal because felix doesn't feed anyone not even his own brother ,which I me" Lee know said.
" Whatever, I made brownies do you wguys want it or not "felix asked
" Will you feed me?" In teasers said.
" No" Felix said.
" Ouch ! That hurts " innie said laughing.

After eating the brownies, everyone headed out for lunch. On their way to the restaurant, Changbin asked " so who is paying?"
" You of course, you are our pocket, remember?" Seungmin said
" I am not" Changbin replied.
" Whatever, you are still paying?"
" so much for being rich" Changbin said earning a laugh from the rest.
5 minutes later,they arrived in front of a restaurant. The restaurant was a fancy one.
When they entered, they found an empty table and sat there. Soon the waiter approached them.
" Good day sirs, are you ready to order?" The waiter said.

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