The 4th student??!?!

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"We still have a fourth student to acquire!" Gojo said in a playful mood after Yuji and nobara had come back from fighting  the curse that was inside the building.

"Still one more?" Fushiguro said, curious as Gojo didn't tell him another person was attending jujutsu tech.

"Yeah! I just forgot to tell you all!" Gojo exclaimed, clapping his hands together.

"Hopefully.. they won't be another idiot like these two..." Nobora muttered, thinking how unlucky she was.

"Alright another student!" Yuji exclaimed, glad there wasn't going to only 2 students to interact with.

"This student lives in a different city from here, like somewhere in the western area.." Gojo explained, with the three students following him, towards the train station.

"Are we really going that far?" Fushiguro inquired, annoyed from Gojos tactics.

"If we are going that far at least buy Sushi's on the way there!!" Nobara yelled out, not wanting to sit in another train for 9 hours.

"Yeah, Why does this student live that far anyway?" Yuji questioned, his index finger scratching his chin.

"Ahh, you see this student lives far from this area because...  they're broke." Gojo finalized, finding the reason funny.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Nobara and Yuji exclaimed in sync.

"Poor person, You know how much shopping you could've done in that time?!" Nobara asserted, even though she wasn't met the student yet, she decided that the new student was probably the kid who asked other people for food when lunch came around.

"I hate saying this but how could someone broke end up here?.." Yuji said, scratching his neck.

fushiguro had no comment.

"Now now, this student has no cursed energy-"

"Did the numbers of jujutsu users make you start bringing in normal civilians now?" Fushigiro cut in.

Gojo smiled, lifting a finger up, "No, don't be silly.. although this student has no curse energy. They seem to be able manipulate their energy into curse energy, which well be helpful us!"

"That's sounds cool, why don't you teach me to manipulate my energy?! Instead of weapons!" Yuji expressed, eyes sparkling.

"No" Gojo smiled, "You can't"

"Whaaa" Yujis face turned pale, his spirit was crushed.

Nobara maybe snickered.

"This student engages in the practice of curse energy, hence making them prepared. I simply just need them show them how to use curse Techniques"

"One alone can't just get cursed energy" Fushigiro stated, glancing a gojo. "Hmmm Yeah, but this kid for some reason can!" Gojo exclaimed, cheekily smiling.

(lol y/n effect)

"Man I wish I was born special.." Yuji muttered, looking down at the floor.

no one said anything as they kept walking towards the train station.

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"And we're here!" Gojo expressed, making hand gestures at the train station.

"Ughhhh, not another hour of sitting down" Nobara deeply groaned.

"Who said we'll be riding the train?" Gojo replied. "They'll come to us, we've just come here to collect her"

"Her?!?" Yuji and Nobora synced, "Finally a girl! I don't have to be with these weirdos!" Nobara jumped up and down in excitement.

"A girl? hopefully it's someone not like Nobara.." Yuji muttered, scratching his neck taking a glance at Nobara, one Nobara is enough but two?? He dreaded to think about it.

Fushiguro again had no comment, not caring at all.

In perfect timing, a train halted, and passengers streamed out, the platform alive with activity. Despite the dwindling crowd, the new student remained unseen, risking being left behind as the train readied to depart.

"Huh?.." is all Gojo could say at the absence of the new student. He couldn't sense their curse energy even if he wanted to do.

"So are they invisible or something?" Nobara skeptically asked, crossing her arms together, raising a eyebrow at gojo.

"Hey new student if you can hear us say hi!" Yuji yelled, walking around swinging his arms around as if he would bump into you

"Tch, idiot.." Fushiguro scoffed, giving Yuji a side eye.

"Gojo is this one of your schemes?.." Fushiguro inquired, but it seemed that Gojo himself seemed confused or he's gotten better at acting. he honestly didn't know anymore.

"Principle Yaga said she'll be here..." pulling his phone out, he pressed the principle's contact about to dial him until a big gust of wind came.

"What was that?!" Yuji declared, blowing away dust from his face and uniform.

Nobara was coughing from the dust that was everywhere "Don't ask questions that we don't know either!!" Nobara snapped at Yugi's ignorance.

fushiguro stood in silence, coughing, noticing a figure near Gojo. "A curse??.." he thought, through glimpses of dust, quickly shifting into a defensive stance.

"Finally decided to show your face? hmm" Gojo seemed to bend down whatever the figure was. "Uh I actually feel asleep on train, so I had to get off and run towards here. the train ride was long and it was boring" a voice seemed to respond.

When all coughing and dust died down. Gojo appeared in front of the trio.

"This is our 4th student, (Y/n) (l/n)!" He exclaimed, spreading his arms out to indicate celebration. The trio didn't know what to say, as they stayed silent for a minute.

Nobara quickly did her judgement thing.
'She seems pretty decent enough wearing those clothes.. would be cuter if I chose her clothes...' She thought, Overall rating (Y/n) pretty decent, not to high neither to low. Would make time to get to know her better for sure.

Yuji came up towards (L/n), "Hello (l/n)! My name is Yuji itadori" giving her a smile. "Call me (Y/n) I don't really care for formalities" she gave a small smile. "Ok then call me Yuji!" Yuji smiled, glad he didn't meet a Nobara 2.0

(Y/n) turned around to meet fushiguro, making eye contact.  Fushigiro had no choice but to speak. "Megumi Fushiguro" he stated.

'No manners at all!' Nobara thought.
"Call me (Y/n), is it all right if I call you Megumi?" She questioned. Megumi nodded, "Sure."

"Ok now that you know eachother better! we have to go all the way back." Gojo exclaimed, heading all the way back to jujutsu tech. Not really though, he's probably going to teleport later when they aren't looking. Making them all suffer lol.

Nobora, Yuji and megumi deadpanned at the thought of walking all the way back.

𓆟 𓆞 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

After all that walking and arriving at jujutsu tech

Gojo showed (Y/n) which dorm she would stay in. (which wouldn't matter because I will forget.)

(Y/n) put her stuff down in the room and thanked Gojo for leading her. Slamming the door.

(Y/n) organized (or not idk how you guys are) her belongings. Deciding sleeping would be rewarding for the 10 hour trip. Jumping on her bed, she covered herself in blankets. closing her eyes shut for tomorrows her.

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