After shit

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(Y/n) went to the school's morgue to visit Yuji, since she knew he wasn't dead. Opening the door she was met with Ijichi who was squirming her about the rules they should've followed. "You should've listened to my advice! run away if you see a specia- AHh!" Ijichi rubs his head, "Why did you hit me?"

(Y/n) entered the school's morgue to visit Yuji, confident he was alive. Upon opening the door, she encountered Ijichi, who was anxious about breaking the rules. "You should've heeded my advice! If you encounter a specia-AHh!" Ijichi yelped as. "Why did you hit me?" he exclaimed, rubbing his head.

"Because I felt like it"

"(Y/n), you can't just go around hitting people because you feel like it!" Ijichi scolds, massaging his head to ease the pain.

"Look, I'm just here to check on Yuji. I'm pretty sure he's not dead," (Y/n) explains, brushing past Ijichi and leaving him bewildered at the doorway. "Wait! How did you even find this place? Students aren't allowed here!"

"I dunno... the principal said I could go anywhere," (Y/n) shrugs nonchalantly, striding away from Ijichi.


Meanwhile in another part in the area, Sukuna's face thundered.
"Who was that brat I saw? Answer me!.."

"I'm not telling you! You're probably going to do something very suspicious, you creep.." came a defiant response from Yuji. Glancing up at Sukuna's throne.

Sukuna and Yuji went back and fourth about the (h/c) girl.

"C'mon shit faced brat.. Let's make a deal.." Sukuna leisurely said, sitting on top of him.
"No! You're probably lying right now!"

"Whatever. I'm not wasting time on you.." Sukuna
glared at Yuji with his intense eyes. His gaze shifting to another side. 'I'm more interested in her...'

Sukuna was intrigued, even though he saw it countless times before in people he knew the look when someone holded back, but why? What he sensed from her was beyond anything he encountered. Why let it go to waste?

"The (h/c) is strange, don't you think?" Sukuna questioned, glancing over at Yuji again, disdain in his eyes.

Yuji said nothing but stood there silently.

"What, jealous?.." Sukuna smirked, teasing Yuji.
"No! I prefer girls like Jennifer Lawrence anyways.." Yuji muttered the last part.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night brat.. one way or another I'll figure out who she is.." Sukuna replied.

"anyways, about that deal.."


(and that's when they do the exchange and blahhh nlahhhjdjdjdkkz)


Yuji groggily woke up, feeling something poking his cheek. "huh, what?.." he was faced with a upclose (y/n) poking his cheek. "Oh hey yuji, took you long enough."

Yuji looked around and noticed he was butt booty naked. "(Y/n)!" he suddenly felt embarrassment rise up everywhere. "Don't worry man, they didn't do surgery on you."

"That's not-"

"Yuji!" Gojo exclaimed, giving him a dabs up.
"Gojo-sensei!" He said, forgetting he was bare naked.

"Luckily you weren't dissected by Shoko here.. (Y/n) had informed us that you were still alive!.."

Shoko gave them a slight glare when she heard her name, putting her medical stuff away. (Y/n) noticing her, decided to wave. Shoko lazily smiled, reciprocating the wave.

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