interestpt 2

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A year younger version of (Y/n) stood next to the cracked eggs she had. "Damm you, why do you keep following me around!" She yelled, at the monster that had a appearance of a black sphere with a single red eye, with some orange spikes around it.

"Now my eggs are in the floor, my mom wanted those!"(Y/n) yelled, looking at the cracked eggs, this was the last straw for the cosmic looking being. Anger flowed through her, punching the curse spirit.

The spirit exploded, purple blood spilling out. "Man now I have to get these clean.." (Y/n) muttered to herself, looking back and fourth between the eggs and her school uniform. "guess gotta tell my mom I broke the eggs.." (Y/n) sighed, pulling up her phone.

Before she could ring her mom a voice called out to her. "Excuse me.. I see that you have punched that curse spirit--"

"Sorry Middle aged man I can't talk to strangers" (Y/n) shot back, finding her mom's contact. ah hah!

The tan skin man who had short, spiky black hair on top with the rest of his head shaved, paired with some glasses who conveniently was walking around the store for store sales. Sweat dropped at the girls actions. Again, he cleared his throat, "Look, you just exorsiced a speacial grade spirit-"

"Old man I'm not into horoscopes, go scam someone else" (Y/n) remarked, waiting for her mom to answer.

What's with her?.. how could he get someone like her to listen?? Yaga thought to himself. This is out of character for him but he found that this students show of power was needed in the jujutsu world.

"Oh hey mom you finally-" (Y/n)'s phone was snatched in an instant.

"Hello mother of... the child, I personally tried to call you, your child has a talent in jujutsu and I personally want to give her lessons until she can officially enroll next year." He said, holding the girl's phone.

When he decided to look at the (h/c) he was surprised to see her smirking.

Meanwhile (Y/n) was smirking because her mom was going to berate the man like no tomorrow, leaving no mercy. It was better to see the wrath of her mom on someone else, instead of her. 'ha ha you old fart now you'll regret it!'

"Sure, she doesn't do much anyways around the house" (Y/n) heard the familiar voice of her mom.

'WHAT?!' (Y/n) quickly snatched the phone from the old man, "Why do I have to go?!? I can do better please! I'll do the dishes!!!" (Y/n) yelled through the phone.

"Listen here you little piece of shit, it's better to learn something new instead laying around the house all day just doing your shitty stuff after school. Ask the man what's his price and done. No buts, understand?!" (Y/n)'s mom retorted.

Yaga just sweatdropped between the conversation of the two.
"Here you go old fart, state your price." (Y/n) frowned, putting her phone up to his face. "hopefully it's something expensive.." she muttered under her breath.

"Yes.. It would be free of charge" Yaga answered. 'What the fuck?!!!' (Y/n) jaw dropped at the news.

"(Y/n) you're going to learn whatever this jujutsu shit is okay!" (Y/n)'s mom declared.

(Y/n) put her phone up her ear and said the only thing she could say, "ok.." her face deadpanned. "Bye mom... love you.."

"Love you too!" (Y/n) heard her mom say, " oh i also broke the eggs.." ( Y/n) quickly hanged up before her mom could react.

Turning around she was met with the old fart. "Ok old man, what are going to do?" (Y/n) said, already getting over the fact that this random stranger just appeared.

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