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"Hm? Junpei?" A voice called out from afar.

"Mom!" Junpei exclaimed, once he noticed his mom at the top of above the staircase.

"That's rare.." She murmured, removing the cigarette from her mouth.

Slowly going down the steps, she peered at the unfamiliar faces beside her son. "friends?" She inquired. A hint of disbelief in her eyes.

"What's your name?" She asked the pink head, once she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"It's Yuji Itadori!! Onions really don't suit you mom!" Yuji exclaimed with a loud voice

"Oh, you noticed? I aim to be a woman who doesn't suit onions" She replied, smiling at the pink heads observation.

Suddenly, her cigarette was snatched.

"I told you stop smoking, didn't I?? Please don't do it with (Y/n) around.." Junpei stated, holding the cigarette in his hands.

Junpei's mom eyes widened up at the sound of your name, causing her forget about her cigarette. "(Y/n), that sweet girl that was your friend during middle school?! Where is she!!" She exclaimed, her eyes twinkling in excitement. Memories flooded back to her of the times she cooked for Junpei and (y/n), of the visits to their house. She was glad (Y/n) had been Junpei's first friend, a bright spot in his life during those years.

Pushing her son gently out of the way, she was met with (Y/n)'s figure, sitting down, completely oblivious to what was happening around her. (Y/n) seemed lost in her own world, her attention absorbed in her phone she held in her hands.

"(Y/n)!" She squealed, dropping her bag to hug you tightly, squeezing her body against yours, causing you to drop your phone flat on the ground. "My phone! You better pay- oh," (Y/n) said, recognizing the person, letting herself be enveloped in the hug. Junpei's mom pulled back, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"(Y/n)! You grew up so much! How long has it been since you moved away?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine joy and surprise

Sweatdropping at her sudden outburst of affection (Y/n) answered, "Uh maybe like-"

"Your back! That's what matters!" She exclaimed, loosening her grip on you, her eyes brimming with happiness.

While Junpei's mom was busy with you, Yuji came towards Junpei with a question, a curious expression on his face.

"You knew (Y/n) during middle school?.. No wonder you seemed close.." Yuji murmured, putting a finger up his chin in thought.

"Uh yeah.. (Y/n) was my first friend.." Junpei admitted, a light blush coating his cheeks in embarrassment.

"I do admit, I'm sorta jealous.. " Yuji said suddenly cheerfully smiling, while scratching his neck.

"Whaa! Jealous of me?!-" Junpei blurted out, his eyes widening in surprise shock from the sudden news.

"Junpei! Invite your friend over, we're all having dinner together!"

"HUhhh?!" Junpei exclaimed, caught off guard by his mom's suggestion. "Mom, that's being a bother!" He nervously protested, his eyes darting back and forth between you and Yuji.

"My food is a bother? Huh?!" She sternly replied, a tic mark forming on her head

ruMble RumbLe rUmbLe

A sudden noise erupted from Yuji and (Y/n), their stomachs making it clear they were hungry.


"Is there any food you like?" Junpei's mom questioned, a triumphant smile playing on her lips as they all made their way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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