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The next has came and (Y/n) was still watching movies, already regretting her decision, Only surving on the free food and drinks.

Taking her (f/d) to her mouth, she poured it in— 'Wait theres no more!!' She mentally yelled, quickly crushing the can. 'That probably was the last free drink too!' She lamented, not wanting to do anything now.

"What the—" (Y/n) caught the bear who was about to punch her, she forgot how it would attack if it sensed no curse energy flowing. It must've been her small rage take the concentration off the curse energy.

The bear struggled under her grasp and was just throwing random punches, hoping to land a hit.

(Y/n) just stared at the struggling bear, her mind wondering off.

That's when she got an a idea! But it comes with a cost.. she would have to spend money..

She placed the bear next Yuji was sitting. "Huh, (Y/n) where you going?" Yuji asked, raising an eyebrow at her, But not to long before the bear punched him. "Ow! man can't you see i'm just trying to talk?!" Yuji yelled at the bear.

"I'm getting a drink for myself, I think I saw a vending machine somewhere around the school.." (Y/n) answered, leaving Yuji behind with the bear and training. "Ow, Ow! just be safe! OW!" She heard him yell.


Where are the vending machines? She thought, already losing her way around to school, Atleast she'll skip the crappy training.

'wonder if I can scam the vending machine..' (y/n) thought but soon was interrupted by the sound of fighting.

"No doubt about it, You're boring.." She heard a nearby noise. Curious on what was happening she lead herself to the noise of the commotion. Only to see Megumi and some other dude standing opposite from eachother.

"woahh.." Now this was something interesting she thought, continuing walking. She was met with Megumi in blood and the shirtless guy being held back by Megumi's frogs.

"Megumi you training too?" (Y/n) inquired, walking towards Megumi. Megumi's eyes widen at the sight of (Y/n), "(Y/n)! You—"

The sounds of snapping alerted both of them. The shirtless dude forcefully ripped the tongues of the frogs. "Ay who's this? Another first year student?" The shirtless guy asked, staring down at (Y/n). Megumi would've said something if it weren't for (Y/n) speaking first.

"Yeah I'm a (Y/n), who are you?" (Y/n) asked, not recognizing his face. The shirtless dude just laughed, "No need to remember me, unlike that boring kid over there how about you? What's your type of woman?"

'Man I just want my soda..' (Y/n) thought, a bit annoyed. "Big booty bitches" She uttered, subconsciously answering the shirtless dudes question, not caring for she would forget and had somewhere else to be. "Ok bye I have to— Oh shit i'm sorry!" (Y/n) said, seeing this dude have streams of tears down his face.

Megumi who already saw this, knew what was about to happen. Getting up, despise his injuries he wrapped his arm around (Y/n) "C'mon let's go—"

"He's crying.." He heard her say "He's going to attack you—"  he spat back.

"Don't worry, i'll protect you. It'll be repaying you anyways.." He heard (Y/n) say, letting go of her, realizing her statement.

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