Chapter Four: Unto Dust

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[Halsion Memorial Cemetery Hall of the Soulwatch, Wolfreach Local Region, Haldios IV, 20th of Rochied, 5001 TE]


I took the seat at the head of the coffin, which was, as requested, carved with the symbols of Luunah and Solahra, the Duality. To my right, directly beside me so she could hold my hand, sat Aerrin, wearing the pure white and gold of mourning for followers of Luunah, as was I. To my left, slightly further away, was Boltz, garbed in the deep, almost abyssal blue and glimmering silver of mourning for a follower of Solahra. As per custom, followers of the Duality wore the colours of the counterpart to their Divine. As followers of Luunah, Aerrin and I wore the colours of Solahra, and as a follower of Her, Boltz wore the shades of Luunah. Slowly, friends of my grandmother in life filed in and quietly took their places for the Soulwatch.

I swallowed, touched that so many of her friends, many of whom I had not seen since my earliest memories of childhood, had come to attend the Soulwatch. Each of them gave me a silent, deep nod, showing respect to the last of the line of the Passed. After me, they also nodded to Aerrin, a sign of respect to the Heartstwined of the Mourning.

Once everyone was seated, I cleared my throat, and Aerrin squeezed my hand before letting go. I squeezed back, and stood, allowing her hand to slip free of my own, my hand immediately feeling cold without her warm fingers twined with my own.
"Treasured of Aubriena Brightshade, I thank you for attending this Soulwatch, as we sit vigilant over her Vessel in Life. This Soulwatch shall be for the duration of a Solwatch and a Lunwatch combined. If you cannot complete the full Soulwatch, know that your Service in Attending as much as you are able will be noted. With that, let us begin the Soulwatch." I performed a Divine Salute, which entailed bring all of my fingers together, and laying my hand, palm outwards, against my heart.

Then I sat down, and as one, the others in attendance recited the now ancient words:
"Let us begin the Watch of Souls." And so it began, a full Watch of sitting vigil over my grandmother's body.

[The Next Watch...]

We all slowly filed out of the Hall, each of us somewhat tired from the full Watch of vigil. We all went to nearby accommodation to rest, and for those of us attending, prepare for the Passage Watch.

A few hours later, I was back in the Hall, though this time the lighting was different; more bright, as this was for the Passage Watch. Once again Aerrin and I sat beside the coffin, and one by one, the attendees of the Soulwatch along with others filed by, resting a hand on the coffin lid and muttering small prayers for my grandmother's spirit, before stepping up to my right, with Aerrin on my left. Each of them, in turn, rested a hand on my shoulder for a moment as they had done to the coffin, albeit silently, before continuing onward.

A few hours later, the sun was beginning to dip towards the horizon as Aerrin and I once again headed for our accommodation. When we got there, I set an alarm for two hours before Solrise, and we fell asleep rapidly.

[Nine Hours Later...]


The alarm Cewa had set trilled and pulled us from our slumber, and Cewa groggily hit the stop button on the timer to stop it. We both got up, and went into the kitchen to get some coffee to help wake us up. We had about half an hour to get to the Hall of Passage, where the service would take place. We had to start at least 30 minutes before the end of the Lunwatch, because the Commendation had to take place as the first rays of the dawn touched the coffin.

About 20 minutes later, we arrived at the Hall, and took our positions in the front row. Boltz came next, holding a can of energy drink, and sat on my left, with Cewa on my right at the end of the bench, and sitting at the isle.

[Elfin Alight Hall of Passage, Halsion Memorial Cemetery]


The Terran priest, wearing combined robes of deep blue and near-glowing white, in the soft white light of the lamps on the sides of the hall, which left the coffin in near total dimness, stepped out from the back area of the Hall, and laid his book of scriptures on the lectern before him. He took a breath, and began to speak.

Ambere Chronicles Volume One: Kaurine Dawn [UNABRIDGED EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now