Chapter Twelve: Echo of the Past

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[Fort Kaurus, Kaur'Ainda Region, Haldios IV, Imperial Holdings of the Haldosian Dominion, 29148 DE (Dominus Epoch)/4390 BTE (Before Terran Era)]


As I stepped into the gloom of the legendary fortress of the Knights of Kaur'Ainda, I allowed myself a sigh of relief. While I could handle the heat of Solahra's Gaze, it was less than comfortable. Now that my mind was not consumed with thoughts of escaping the heat, my gaze was free to roam about the grand entrance hall. The walls themselves were simple, dull stone, but the banners bore great heraldry. I saw the Marks of ancient Houses, from the fallen Kledhenndrei to the shattered House of Zerrekhul. After passing what I believed to be around a hundred banners, I crossed through a small archway and found myself in the Great Hall. As I turned to face the throne dais, I stopped in my tracks. Sitting atop the throne was... A Glaccis Draekkus? I blinked; I had only seen Glacci in the Frostraelms of the northern and southern climes of the planet. Her scales seemed to dance in the flamelight of torches sat around the Fortress, providing warmth and light together. In the pale light from the flickering heat sources, her scales were a glistening amethyst.

As I approached, the Draekkus yawned, showing off her razor-sharp teeth, though she held a hand up to her mouth as if to shield them from view out of politeness, and fixed a sapphire ringed gaze upon me, her eyes oceans of amber with just rings of bright azure within.

"Greetings, and welcome, Herredan Vampyris." The Draekkus finally said, her voice somehow smooth but also gravelly at the same time. I bowed, and straightened.

"Greetings, Archknight. I have heard tell of the martial prowess of the Knights of Kaur'Ainda, and endeavoured to peregrinate to this storied place to learn the Art of the Blade." I said.

The Archknight leaned back, flexing her wings as she did so, and regarded me thoughtfully for a few eternal moments.

"One cannot simply Walk the Path of the Blade, Vampyris. To Walk the Path, you must also tread the Warrior's Way." She finally said. I simply nodded, not knowing what to say in reply. After a few moments, she leaned forwards again, and asked,

"And not all who tread the Way are worthy to Walk the Path. Are you?" I swallowed, feeling a bubbling sensation that I had not experienced for most of my long life.

"I believe it is not anybody's place to deem themselves worthy of anything; I was taught in my early Frosts that one should strive to be worthy of all they can... But not to grasp at anything that demands worthiness." the Draekkus' eyes narrowed slightly for a moment as I spoke, and when I fell silent, the words hung for a few seconds before the Draekkus laughed, a deep, rumbling sound. I watched as her frame shuddered, her wings spasming as she laughed.

"You had wise mentors in your youth. I shall grant you this: You shall tread the Way of the Warrior, and if you take to the Arts well enough, you shall be shown the Path of the Blade in time." The Draekkus eventually said, as her laughter faded away. I bowed once more, and as I straightened, I replied,

"I shall strive to perform well." And with that, I turned and left, destined for home in order to collect my belongings and return to begin my studies in earnest.

[Present Day]


I opened my eyes slowly, and turned my head to the small infoscreen I had installed on the bedside table some Cycles before. As I squinted at the date, the words manifested from a hazy blur: Phaeden 24th, 5011 TE. I sighed. It was a week before the Ringwatch... Aerrin stirred at the sound, and I turned to look at her. Though she was squinting, the concern was evident on her face.

"What is it, my beloved?" She asked, and I shook my head, looking up at the ceiling.

"A week from now is the Ringwatch." Her eyes widened slightly at the words, and she asked,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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