Prologue: Cosmosfall

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[City of Ambere, Twilit Raelm. 5 Orbits until Cosmosfall]


I followed my classmates as we were led on a tour around the Panthaeum, which housed the various Ceremony Halls belonging to each of the Patrons of Orderis. As we walked through, our teacher explained the history of the Panthaeum, but I wasn't listening, instead gazing around in awe at the majesty of the Hall of the Duality. My class continued on, not noticing that I'd stopped in my tracks. I glanced in their direction but something was... Calling me. I bit my lip, conflicted as to whether or not I should follow the call. In the end, I muttered a curse under my breath and slipped around the corner, finding myself in a dark, almost black chamber: The Chamber of Lunraahkis, carved from His material, Luunkite. The name touched my lips of its own accord: Lunraahkis, the Lord of Night...

I continued looking around, walking in the oddly silent chamber, until I stumbled across a much smaller room which had bright, almost faintly glowing white material. Solharanite, the counterpart to Luuunkite, was the material of Sholhara, Lady of the Blazing Dawn. I stepped into the room and almost immediately the world spun around me, the two materials seeming to spin at impossible speeds until all I saw was a kind of shimmering blue color.

As I began to become disoriented however, it slowed and formed into a swirling pattern, which wrapped around itself over and over. I blinked and looked around, then stumbled backwards. Not far from where I stood was open space, a nebula floating in the distance and some kind of waterfall plunging off the structure I was standing on. I blinked, realising it was crystal. All around me was carved crystal, in an oddly beautiful design. The main coloration was a soft orange-yellow color, almost like honey, but with thick streaks of some kind of blue smoke running through it.

I was marvelling at the coloration when suddenly a gorgeous woman in a white robe detailed with gold, and skin that seemed to be maze of bronze. She smiled at me as I looked towards her, and in a voice that sounded the way sunlight looked, said,
"Welcome, Aberra, to the Cosmic Cascade." I blinked in confusion, and she laughed, a sound that gave me the same feeling as a gentle summer breeze on a warm day.
"Forgive me, I forgot that the Denizens of the Twilit Raelm have not seen my true form in many an Eon." And with that, the bronze melted away to reveal pale skin, and her eyes, formerly a deep orange, lightened to a luminous golden that matched her robes.

I felt my eyes widen as I recognised her, and unbidden, my mouth operated faster than my mind.
"Sholhara! Is... Is it really you?" Sholhara nodded, smiling.
"Yes, of course. Come, my Heavenly Brother is awaiting you. We have much to talk about, you and us." And so I followed her, slightly in shock from actually meeting a member of the Duality in the flesh, which became complete shock when we rounded a corner and the path opened out onto a courtyard that overlooked the waterfall, where a man with skin almost as deep a blue as Luunkite itself sat in a chair seemingly carved from the material of this place, his silver eyes watching a tiny representation of Twylesia, the planet upon which Ambere was located.

As I watched, his mouth spread into a smile, and even though there was no real change in his eyes, his gaze seemed to flick towards me. I froze in place, and after a moment or two, stammered,
"L-L-L-Lunraahkis?!" The man's smile widened into a full grin, and he stood up, his midnight blue robes, adorned with silver moons above the hem, falling around him as he stood up.
"Aberra! Welcome, young one! We have been waiting for you for... Well, let's just say it's been a long time even from our perspective." I blinked, and Lunraahkis gestured for me to take a seat.

Warily I did so, and he settled back into his chair before he picked up the orb of Twylesia and sent it floating over the edge of the balcony. Then he turned his attention back to me, and said,
"The situation is more dire than it has ever been... My Sister and I are doing our best, but... There's too many Cosmi, and only two of us. Though to you, we may be all-powerful, there is only so much we can do in the face of an enemy that subverts the very fabric of existence with its presence." As he spoke, a different orb floated over to us, and he enlarged it as it arrived.
"What do you see?" He asked, and I looked closely at the orb lazily rotating before me.
"A... Wasteland? No... an ocean. I can see it moving!" I exclaimed. Lunraahkis shook his head and replied,
"That is not an ocean. You were right with your first guess... This is what Khaotum does. It takes the very rules of existence and twists them. Solid becomes fluid, right becomes left, gravity becomes antigravity... There is nothing we can wield in the face of this enemy... Yet. We have worked out that in just five more of your planet's orbits around my Sister's construct in your region, that which you call the Daygifter, Khaotum will reach your location in the Hypercosm." I heard the sadness in his voice and looked up at him, realising that his eyes had taken on the appearance of steel, and then piecing together that he was actually grieving for my world.
"Well what can we do?" I asked, and Sholhara sat beside me, her gaze focused on my feet.
"There is only one way to slow Khaotum enough that we can prepare a newer reality for its arrival... We have to destroy a reality before Khaotum can corrupt it, but after it reaches it." She said, and I could feel the guilt radiating off of her like the heat of a summer's noon.
"So... We have to sacrifice a reality...?" She nodded and Lunraahkis added,
"But we also have to do so at just the right moment. Khaotum must be in the process of pouring in for us to create a material capable of protecting against the altered laws of nature in the Khaos Raelms." I blinked, and then realisation dawned on me.
"You need my reality to be the catalyst..." I said, slowly. Both nodded, looking ashamed.
"Reality must be ripped apart from a central point, or else the corruption can take hold properly and hold the reality in one piece long enough to be converted." Lunraahkis said, and I nodded.
"So how do we rip it apart?" Sholhara shifted uncomfortably on her own seat, before saying,
"The Enduring Tempest. The Heart of the Tempest must be pulled from the Cascade and down to your world; Its presence in such a low plane of existence will tear the fabric of existence apart." I nodded, and said,
"Alright. If you need a way to get the Heart into my world, use me." Lunraahkis looked me in the eye as I said that, and replied,
"You were always destined to unleash the Heart, Aberra. The true choice is in whether or not you wish to endure afterwards, in order to guide a Bearer to wield the Tempest as a weapon against Khaotum." I thought for a moment, and replied,
"Yes. I want to endure... I am willing to do what it takes to help end the threat of Khaotum to all future realities."

[Five Orbits Later...]


I awoke with a start, and heard an echo in my head, as if repeating.
Aberra! Awaken, Mortal! I sat up groggily, and swung my feet over my bed, and thought,
I'm awake... Kind of... As I sat there rubbing my eyes to clear the sleep from them, I saw a ghostly image of Lunraahkis; His skin had changed, and I realised he had taken on a new form... For the next reality.
You have just a few scant hours, Mortal... Khaotum will attack as Sholhara leaves her post and night falls. I nodded, not knowing if Lunraahkis could see me. He chuckled and responded to my silent thought, saying,
Of course I can see you! I'm watching Ambere right now. Now go, you have to hurry to the Chamber of the Duality! You must be there as Khaotum attacks, because that is where the reality is weakest. We have moved the Heart to the linking pad here. All you have to do is summon the power to your reality. I nodded, and as the last of my sleepiness vanished, I hurriedly dressed and ran to the Chamber of the Duality. People gave me odd looks, but I ignored them as I rushed by. Soon enough, I stood in the Chamber.

Then, I felt it. A sense of... Wrongness was touching the city, making the world itself seem to feel queasy. I started to panic, but Sholhara appeared before me, and said,
"You can do this, Aberra. My Brother is going to prepare the next Raelm, but he needs to focus on it fully, so I'm going to guide you." I nodded, and looked around her. As I watched, the day began to darken, and Sholhara nodded.
"It's time. Grab hold of the Heart, Aberra." I took a deep breath and imagined invisible strings running down into the material under my feet, and Sholhara smiled.
"Good... Now-" She was cut off as some kind of brown lightning struck where she was, and... Something stood in her place. I couldn't make out any details even though it was close enough to reach out and touch almost. Then Sholhara's voice entered my head.
Brrulkneddis! Khaosian landed right on my conduit! She cursed, as the... Khaosian? Walked away, apparently not noticing me. As I was distracted by my inability to properly percieve it, Sholhara cried,
Now! Pull the Heart to Ambere! Without hesitation, I pulled on the invisible strings, and suddenly, I felt a searing pain in my chest as lightning flashed out of my chest and froze the Khaosian in place, its ever-shifting form suddenly locked into a set appearance, though the colours made no sense.

But that was simply the beginning; Over the next few moments, the lightning darkened and within seconds, lines began to appear in reality, as if a knife had been pulled across my vision. Soon enough, a deep blue flash of lightning took the last thing I could see. In my desperation, I dug deep into the Heart, and I felt my body fall away from me somehow as my vision cleared.
Khaotum! Harken to my words! This is the beginning of your unmaking! Ambere shall be the seed from which your end is birthed! And the Enduring Tempest shall be at its heart! I cried, and with that, as one, both me and the Heart pushed on reality itself, and in the time it took to blink I found myself standing before an orb showing Ambere. Or rather, what used to be Ambere.

As I watched, my mind lagging behind, the orb seemed to have cracks appear which slowly widened. As the orb became nothing but a few rings, the view zoomed out and as I watched, black tendrils spread out in all directions, ever multiplying, until finally there was an almighty CRACK!!! from the waterfall and the orb shattered into glittering black dust that slowly faded. I stood there in shock for an unknown amount of time, until Lunraahkis stumbled out of an archway, and held out a hand to steady himself against it.
"It's... Done... I... Crystallised... The last... State of Ambere... And... Sent it... Into a... Reality that is... Still forming... This will... Be the one to... Create the key... To defeating Khaotum forever." As he finished speaking, his hand slipped and he fell to the floor. I ran over to him and rolled him over, then noticed how tired he looked.
"I think... I might need... A few Eons... To recover." He chuckled, and his eyes fluttered closed.

Ambere Chronicles Volume One: Kaurine Dawn [UNABRIDGED EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now