Chapter Two: Dining on Dreams

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[Wolfreach University, Frostcap Mountain Range, Halsion Reach Region, Haldios IV, 15th of Emheraldis, 5000 TE]


Aerrin, Boltz, and I were all sitting in our dorm, holding our exam grade results, which were in sealed envelopes, watching each other. Aerrin was the first to break the tense silence, taking a couple of deep breaths before saying,
"Alright... On three, we open our envelopes together. Agreed?" Both me and Boltz nodded, too nervous to be able to think of a better idea, if one existed. Aerrin looked to Boltz, then me, and then started the count.
"One, two... Three!" As she said the last word, all three of us ripped the seals from our envelopes as one, and as though all puppeted by strings, reached in and took hold of the paper sheets inside. We pulled them out and laid the envelopes on the table, before reading our individual grades.

Boltz, as expected, did well, recieving top marks in all except for Botany, where he only got a little over a passing grade. I recived middling marks for most, though for my History class I recieved top marks along with credit marks for "outstanding detail" on an writing piece about local history, where I chose to write a report about the locale of Kaur'Ainda, which the professor commented 'reads as though you were physically present in the ruins themselves!'. I chuckled, knowing that was indeed the case, then looked up at Boltz, who spun his grade sheet around, and gave me a grin. I showed him mine and his eyes went wide, before he laughed at the comment line.

Aerrin looked, and giggled as well, before laying her grades down on the table, and I felt an odd sense of pride as I saw not only full top marks all across the board, but also credit marks for both her History class and her Sociologies class. Boltz excused himself, and as he walked by my chair, he leaned down and whispered,
"Shoot." I felt my cheeks heat up for a moment, and he continued walking.

Once he was out of earshot, having walked into his room and gently closed the door to inform his family of the good news, I cleared my throat and looked at Aerrin.
"So uh... My Galpay account is looking a bit full... Think you'd uh... Maybe like to go out for dinner some time? To celebrate I mean." I said, starting to trip over my words halfway through. Aerrin's face flushed, and she nodded enthusiastically.
"Not to sound rude, but where were you thinking of going? I'll see if I've got enough in my account." She said, but I shook my head, and replied,
"My shout. Your account will show exactly 0 credits outgoing on this one." Aerrin's gaze snapped to me and her eyes went wide, and despite my nervousness, I grinned back. Then, with as much falsified confidence as I could muster, I leaned back and added,
"Anywhere you want, we'll go there. All you have to do is show up." I caught a twinkle in Aerrin's eye and she leaned forward and, seemingly nervous, put her chin in her hand and asked,
"Anywhere I want?" I nodded, and said,
"Anywhere you want, and no budget limit. I could probably buy a top floor apartment in Wolfreach with my account." I chuckled at the joke, though it wasn't far from the truth; I'd be able to easily rent one for a few Cycles, maybe even up to a Frostreign.

Aerrin looked thoughtful for a moment, then said,

"The Gilded Draekkus?" from her tone, I could tell she expected me to say 'No, that's a bit too expensive', but instead I gave her a large, genuine grin and replied,
"Your wish is my command." Her chin slipped from her hand as I uttered the words, and er mouth dropped open, her hand falling to the table as she stared at me, the shock of my acceptance obvious on her face. Boltz chose this moment to open the door, and stopped in his tracks as he saw Aerrin's expression. He frowned, and looked at me, mild concern on his face, though it evaporated as soon as he saw the look on my face; I was convinced I looked like the Felinis that got the cream.

As he waited for Aerrin's mind to catch up to what just happened, he walked back over to the table, a grin spreading on his own face with every step.

As Boltz sat down, it finally clicked in Aerrin's mind and she reeled back, then, in utter disbelief, said,
"You're not pulling my leg, right? I turn up there, you're not gonna be nowhere to be found?" The grin still plastered on my face, I shook my head, then said,
"Not pulling your leg. Just one question and one request. When would you like to go, first up?" Aerrin blinked, and replied,
"Uh... The 20th?" I nodded, and said,
"I'll set up the reservation." Aerrin's jaw once again dropped at this, and, realising I still had to let my grandmother know about the good news, stood up, and as I drew level with Aerrin, I leaned down as Boltz had done with me, and whispered into her ear,
"Just promise me you'll wear something... Unforgettable."

[A Few Hours Later...]


Ambere Chronicles Volume One: Kaurine Dawn [UNABRIDGED EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now