Chapter Ten: Lady of the Maelstrom

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[Chambers of the Arch-Knight, Fortress of Kaur'Ainda, Halsion Reach Region, Haldios IV, 15th of Emberspark, 5011 TE]


I slipped under the cream coloured blankets, Aerrin already laying in bed waiting for me. As I laid down, resting my head on the pillow, I sighed, tracing the lines of her face with my eyes as I collected my thoughts. It was something I did often while we were alone, and it helped me to concentrate, somehow.

"It feels like we're stepping into a new era..." She said after a few moments, and I smiled.

"That's because we are, Heartstreasure. We're resurrecting a fallen order of noble warriors for a new age within the Cluster." I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as the image of the Khaosian Aberra had shown me flashed before my internal vision.

"I just hope it will be enough..." I whispered, barely able to utter the words aloud. I heard Aerrin shift her weight and opened my eyes to find her moving closer to wrap her arm around me and pull me in close to her.

"I have faith that it will be... Because I have faith in you, Cewa." She kissed the top of my head, before shifting back slightly, though her face remained close to my own, close enough that I could just barely feel her breath on my throat and chin. I allowed myself a small smile, though even I could tell that the worry I held would be visible in it.

I ran my finger across the top of her face, moving a few strands of wayward hair out of the way, and taking in the softness of her near-golden gaze for the millionth time or more. As I moved my finger down her cheek, I asked softly, half to her and half to the air itself,

"What would I do without you?" She giggled and replied,

"Either something unbelievably stupid, or alternatively, lose your mind." I nodded, realising that those were indeed the two most likely outcomes.

"Probably." I said, and shifted forwards to kiss her softly on the lips. She returned the gesture and as I reluctantly retreated, I murmured,

"May Luunah Guard your dreams, my beloved." She smiled as she settled into a slightly more comfortable position for sleep, and replied,

"And may He Guard yours as well, my love." I watched as she closed her eyes, and simply lay there for a few moments that felt like a blissful eternity, listening as her breaths became deeper, more regular, and soon enough, I felt the pull of slumber calling to me as well. My eyes slowly drifted closed, and I too drifted off into the realm of dreams.

"Hello, Cewa." Said a voice beside but also behind me. My eyes flew open and I whipped around, suddenly registering that I was back at Wolfreach. I frowned; this was one of the Great Towers. I'd never come here before, so... Why was I here now?

"I'm... Not actually here, am I?" I asked, and the man sitting on a carved wooden chair chuckled.

"You are, but you are not. And this is Wolfreach University... but it is also not." I frowned, and he continued.

"You are in a..." He trailed off, looking for the right word. As he searched his own mind for it, I took in his appearance; He looked similar to me; His skin was a cream type color, and his eyes, currently closed, had been almost glowing a cyan color. His hair was styled similarly to my own, combed back gently. The color too was similar to my own, if a bit lighter. Where my hair was like dark chocolate, his was like carved mahogany. He was dressed in dark blue robes which flowed down his body, and he had slightly glowing veins as though he held the Tempest. Finally, he found the right word.

"You are in a Mind-Raelm. It is a projection of a mind itself, allowing people like us to converse. You have seen one before... In the Anomaly. That was the Mind-Raelm of Luunrahkis, created to hold the Seed of the Enduring Tempest in order to imbue the Bearer with its power." He said.

Ambere Chronicles Volume One: Kaurine Dawn [UNABRIDGED EDITION]Where stories live. Discover now