Chapter 1

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"Step aside, shrimp." Steve pushed Prism aside to go through the door first.

"Oh piss off!" she growled, going for the door again only for a vibranium arm to bar her from the door.

She glared at the blonde's mate, Bucky, who smirked and went through before her as well.

Natasha stayed out of it, noticing Prism's sigh of defeat as she stepped aside for her. As Clint, Nat's beta, neared the door she gestured for him to go first.

He shook his head, "We're equals. That leads us back to ladies first." He stopped and gestured for her to go first.

With a grateful smile, she entered the room to see Natasha watching the door- looking over her shoulder to give an approving nod to her mate.

Tony sat at his desk, glancing up at each person that entered. "Thor?" he asked, noticing the one Alpha not present.

"He's with Jane. Probably won't be back for a while." Natasha answered, leaning against the arm of the couch her mate sat on.

"Priz, sit." She said, turning her green eyes on the other woman.

"You can, if you want. Tweedle dee and tweedle asshole over there are pissing me off today."

The red head tilted her head in surprise at her order being denied. Clint glanced over at Bucky who sat on the opposite end of the couch, his mate Steve leaning on the other arm much like the red head.

Both of them were smirking as they felt the tension rise between the women. The alpha's hard look never wavered, the beta gradually looked uncomfortable and shifted her weight a bit as she began to feel a burning sensation in her chest that crawled down her arms. She tried to hold her ground for as long as she could, knowing they had everyone's attention.

"Priz. Sit." Natasha bit the words out with a growl, making the other woman's knees buckle a little under the pressure in the air.

Begrudgingly, the silver haired beauty dipped her head and passed by Steve and Bucky to plop into the space between Bucky and Clint.

At Nat's touch on his shoulder, Clint put his arm around the back of the couch casually, letting Prism lean against it a little. He knew all too well that felt like to deny Natasha's command, it was painful to refuse.

Because of that, she'd always been very careful about letting too much of her alpha tone into her voice. He was used to it and being her mate it no longer caused actual pain for him, but being an unmated Beta it was harsh on Prism.

Beta's were known to comfort each other in these situations should a suitable- likely unmated- alpha not feel the desire to.

Though if she'd just do as told, she wouldn't have to worry about it.

Bucky and Steve exchanged mischievous looks that earned a growl from Tony who stood up at his desk. "Don't even think about it." He growled, directing his tone at the men.

Another issue with being an unmated Beta was that there was no one to stand up for her. None of alphas -Tony, Natasha, Steve nor Thor- had much of an instinctual desire to protect her. Especially not when they had to choose between her or their mate.

So Tony had taken it upon himself to step in as her alpha, but not her mate, though he would be open should she approach him first. Someone had to watch her back on missions and the others were busy keeping an eye on their mates.

If anyone had to go unguarded and without backup, it was always Prism. Granted, with her powers she was the most likely to be alright alone so she didn't complain.

In response to the command, Bucky tensed but Steve only glared, placing a comforting hand on his mate's shoulder blade and pressing a kiss to the top of his head while keeping his baby blues on Tony.

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