Chapter 6

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Bucky hastily followed his mate, not looking at the shell shocked woman in the door way, but turning sideways a little to avoid touching her.

Prism blushed, eyes wide as she realized what Tony already had. Seeing her reaction earlier, dismissal of his affections and just then when she reacted to Steve's scent nearly confirmed Thor's suspicions.

It wasn't that Priz was rejecting Thor. It was that she respected Jane enough-though they'd only met a few times as she happily lived as the beloved queen of Asguard- not to intrude on their relationship as A/O.

Thor realized Prism wasn't a beta, and while A/O/O could be a thing, it wasn't right for her and she knew that.

He'd have to speak to Tony later, and perhaps Bruce-surely another scentless omega could shine some light on this.

She remained dumbfounded while Thor headed for the doorway last, touching her arm lightly to get her attention.

"That's a new necklace, isn't it?" he asked, boldly lifting the charm on it and glancing at the Stark tech on the back of it, letting his fingers graze her neck in a way a Beta wouldn't allow.

"A gift from Bruce. It's very important to me." She answered, gulping slightly as his hand still held it.

"Is it now?" amusement twinkled in his eyes, he leaned down to speak into her ear, "Don't let Steve know how much you value it. He will break it next time he's angry at you. Keep it close until you're ready for everyone to know."

Prism tensed as he leaned back, toying with the chain for a moment longer before glancing down again to confirm his suspicions; the bruises on her neck were completely gone.


"I'm well versed in how to treat an omega, even injuries. You responded to them and healed for me. I am positive now and I accept your rejection. Your secret is safe, little beta." He winked before giving a kind smile, patting her cheek gently and leaving her alone in the doorway.

Not wanting to risk anyone else stopping her to tell her they knew her secret, she portaled directly to her bedroom.

She curled up on her bed, flinching at her still mildly bruised back and cried from the stress, chest feeling like it was torn open.

Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down. She rocked slightly as she curled around her pillow trying comfort herself and failing.

I really fucked up today. They all know. Everyone knows. My life is over here. I'm so screwed this whole building is full of alphas and they're all going to know about me by morning. Oh no, oh no oh no....

Her hand clutched at her chest as the pain intensified.

"Miss Borealis, your stress is reaching critical levels. I insist you seek medical intervention." Jarvis spoke overhead.

"No, no, no, no..." she cried, face crumbling in agony- not noticing the gem in the necklace get a large crack in it-releasing some of her stressed omega pheromones.

Everyone saw how she melted at the meeting and to BUCKY. TO FRICKEN BUCKY. There's no way Steve didn't notice her all over his mate. Clint and Natasha too...they were so observant.

Her heart pounded as sweat beaded on her forehead, breathing labored.

"Mr Stark urgently requests entrance." Jarvis spoke again as a fist banged on her door.

Not safe. Not safe. Not safe. Not safe.

"Denied." She replied as her stomach began to hurt.

"Override activated."

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