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My neck is dead :(

Mason (20) pov:

I sigh as Anna checks my head again "I'm all ok  Anna" I rest my head back down onto the uncomfortable bed "I told you, you need to get checked more" she complains like a mother, and I laugh along as someone knock on the door "mister.moor there Is a couple here..and their dog" she says and I smile "you can let them in it's ok" I say and she smiles and walks back out, Anna still kept complaining and i watched the door as Robert, and Louise come through, sunflower stuck to there side.

i smile awkwardly and Anna smiles "ah you must be Mason's parents its so nice to meet you" she says happily while holding her hand out to Louise and she takes it gently her eyes not leaving me "how are you?" i ask and Robert laughs "we should ask you that" he rubs his forehead "sit down Rob" i say and Anna smacks my arm "don't be rude!" she says and i shake my head "adoptive parents Anna" i say and she goes slightly red "oh, i'm so sorry" she says to me and i pet her hair slightly "all ok Anna, also do you think this will get me out of Hope's little makeup session?" i ask and she shakes her head "good luck, you will be missed" she puts her hand over he heart and wipes a tear with the other one.

Louise laughs "he surly will be dear" she says joining in, Robert shakes his head and i look down to sunflower that was sitting near my left hand. to that i reach forward and i pet his head slightly and he pretty much melts under my touch he growls happily and i smile "missed me bud?" i ask and he nods "we all did" Robert says while standing and he steps closer to my right side and Anna rocks slightly "Hey Anna can you go grab some more clothes from my house my kelts are in my bag" i say and she nods "keys right?" she asks and i frown my mouth "honey you said kelt" Louise says and i shake my head "um yeah keys, yes keys thanks" i nod and Anna smiles "ok dude um Luna might show up later she said you were meant to hang out today?" she says while fiddling with my keys "yeah meant to thanks" i smile and she waves goodbye and leaves.

sun barks and i look down "what?" i say while resting my head back down "you look so different" Louise says softly and i nod "happens" i say with a sigh and Robert coughs "so uh how have you been apart from today?" he asks and he signals to sun to sit next to him but the wolf refused to leave.

i shake my head "meh to be honest, oh I've had a few boyfriends, I've sold a few books, and i'm doing a production for Monday two with Anna,Luna,Marshall,Liam,hope,and James" i take a deep breath "and i got robbed, so ill say good till about a week ago" i nod and they look in between each other and Louise cries slightly "oh god we missed a lot" Robert says and i nod "its ok my own fault for being a dick" i shrug and sun licks my hand and wags his tail "is Moon still mad?" i ask and he nods his head "figured" i shrug and i close my eyes slightly "mum" i say and Louise laughs slightly "me?" she jokes but i nod and i could tell she was smiling like mad "what can i do?" she asks and i smile slightly "could you grab miss.Sunny from the chair near the door?" i ask and she quickly goes over and i feel something fluffy being laced on my chest and i hold onto it tightly as i feel myself get tired "mhm" i say and she kisses my forehead being gentle of the bandage wrapped around my forehead that was slightly bled through.

i hum slightly as i feel sun knock my hand sightly and i feel Robert hold onto my hand for a few seconds before he rubbed my arm "sleep well...kiddo" he says and i smile slightly though it looked like i twitched my mouth, i heard the door shut and i turn my head to the left and i hold onto sunny tighter afraid someone would take her.


i cough as i feel someone touch my forehead "it's ok just me" Luna says and i open my eyes "so we not going to hang out to day or what?" she asks and i shrug "we could if you don't mind staying in the hospital" i sigh and i look over to her and she nods "i don't mind" she says and i smile "what even happened" she asks and i sigh "got home,did some work for like five hours then i stood up and-" i fake a fart sound at the end and she laughs "good thing Louise found some old kid photos then" she shrugs and i nod "yeah and moon he was there too" i say and she nods "he said" she says and i scowl "how?" i ask and she shakes her head "i'm a fairy, doll" she says and i nod slightly holding tightly onto sunny "forgot" i say and she nods "silly" she says and she checks her watch. 

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